Gaming News: Resident Evil 7 on iOS – A Financial Success or Failure?

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience across various platforms, I have to admit that I was initially excited about the release of Resident Evil 7 on iOS. The idea of being able to take Capcom’s critically acclaimed horror title with me wherever I go seemed like a dream come true. However, upon closer inspection, I can’t help but feel that this mobile port may be more of a misstep than a financial success for both the developers and potential buyers.

Resident Evil 7 has made waves on iOS, but is it a financial success or a misstep?


  • The high iPhone requirements limit the audience
  • Apple may have paid for porting AAA titles
  • Not all games are suitable for mobile immersion
  • The pay-once model competes poorly with freemium

Few Want to Pay for Mobile Immersion

Several people express that the experience of playing a game such as Resident Evil 7 on a compact smartphone display fails to fully engage them.

Psychology of Mobile Gaming

Users discuss the challenges of pricing and business models in mobile gaming

The Evolution of Mobile Gaming

Some view the game as a showcase for iOS device performance


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2024-07-18 09:14