Helldivers: Commando vs. Heavy Devastator Shield Debate

As a dedicated Helldivers player with countless hours under my belt, I’ve faced numerous challenges and encountered various gameplay mechanics that have shaped my gaming experience. One ongoing debate in our community, however, has left me scratching my head – the effectiveness of commandos against Heavy Devastator shields.

As a dedicated Helldivers player, I’ve noticed a divisive topic among our gaming community: the efficiency of commandos against heavy devastator shields. Some argue that it adds an element of strategy and challenge, while others believe it to be an unfair design flaw. Let’s delve deeper into this debate!

So you’re telling me, that a commando can take out a fabricator with one shot, but can’t break through a heavy devastator’s shield?
byu/Sad-Needleworker-590 inHelldivers


  • Players frustrated with Heavy Devastator shields.
  • Debate on shield destructibility divides the community.
  • Some find the challenge engaging, others want it nerfed.

Commandos Under Fire

Several gamers expressed their irritation over the durability of Heavy Devastator’s unyielding shields. For instance, ‘MrDogeGuy82’ voiced his annoyance, as even strong weapons such as rocket sentries barely scratched the shields.

Shield Haters vs. Shield Lovers

I’ve had the chance to observe and engage with players from various backgrounds and playstyles in the game community. Some, like ‘Alternative-Aide-522,’ bring a unique perspective to the table. They appreciate the intricacy of the shield mechanics, seeing it as an essential element that adds depth and strategy to battles. Their extensive experience in gaming has taught them that not everything can be easily conquered, and that overcoming challenges is part of what makes the game enjoyable.

Community Divide

There seems to be division in the community over whether Heavy Devastator shields provide an enjoyable test or simply create annoyance. Humorously, ‘NeonGKayak’ cautioned against passionate defenders of the shield mechanism being low-level players, or ‘bot divers’.

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2024-07-18 04:44