Gaming News: How Video Games Can Help You Quit Porn – A Reddit Discussion

As someone who has struggled with similar issues in the past, I can relate to the Reddit user’s dilemma. It’s not easy to quit porn and maintain a healthy gaming lifestyle at the same time. The community’s response was both heartening and insightful.

A Reddit user is looking for tips on giving up porn use while continuing to enjoy gaming. The Reddit community provides various recommendations and encouragement.

I want to quit porn, but I want to keep playing games. What should I play? What should I avoid?
byu/Michael_Plays112 ingaming


  • The community offers a mix of serious and humorous advice, from seeking therapy to playing engaging games.
  • Users suggest staying away from games that may trigger unwanted behavior.
  • Some comments provide practical tips on coping mechanisms and lifestyle changes.

Community Suggestions

I’ve come across some advice from another gamer who proposed steering clear of adult content games and instead exploring various other genres to keep myself preoccupied. Another tip I received was to embrace the spirit of Nintendo and focus on gaming experiences that are friendly for the whole family.

Therapy and Coping Mechanisms

Several users stressed the significance of reaching out for therapy and expert guidance to tackle the root causes of the challenge. One individual underlined the value of engaging in meaningful human connections and practicing personal growth strategies to fight the issue.

Diverse Gaming Recommendations

The community suggested several games ranging from Civilization to Minecraft as alternatives to keep users occupied in more wholesome pursuits. Many advocated for games that offer captivating experiences to help divert attention from unhealthy behaviors.

The Reddit post elicits various reactions, combining helpful suggestions, wit, and genuine care for the user’s welfare. The forum exhibits both emotional and practical responses to address the complex problem posed. Amidst the usual lighthearted exchanges, this thread explores a deep-rooted concern with compassionate advice, revealing the unexpected depth of online gaming communities.

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2024-07-18 03:28