Gaming News: Most Annoying Enemies in Video Games – Reddit Roundup

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can wholeheartedly agree with the Reddit user who started this discussion. Annoying enemies have been a part of our gaming lives since the early days of arcade games and they continue to frustrate us in modern titles.

On Reddit, a user initiated a conversation about the most aggravating foes encountered in video games, igniting an animated exchange between gaming community members.

Most annoying enemies in video games?
byu/Instruction-Fabulous ingaming


  • Players share their frustration with enemies that are hard to hit or have annoying mechanics.
  • Certain enemies like hornets in Terraria and cliff racers in various games appear to be universally despised.
  • Frustration arises when small enemies with hard-to-hit hitboxes appear in games lacking splash damage.

MagicMST – Dogs. Any game.

As a seasoned gamer, I’ve got to admit, sometimes those darn digital pooches in games can really get on my nerves. You know what I mean? It’s like they have some unspoken pact with the game developers to be the most aggravating creatures in existence. Barking incessantly, following you around relentlessly, or just plain refusing to do as they’re told – ugh! But hey, that’s part of the challenge, right? Or so I tell myself…

c7hu1hu – Cliff Racers.

In a light-hearted manner, a gamer points out the annoyance caused by cliff racers in video game history, drawing sympathetic responses from other players.

MyMainIsInTheShop – Cazadors – Fallout New Vegas.

Hearing about cazadors in Fallout New Vegas brings dread to numerous gamers, as they remember the tough battles against these lethal adversaries.

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2024-07-17 17:43