Suicide Squad Game: Severely Over-Hated or Justifiably Criticized?

As a seasoned gamer with over a decade of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of critically acclaimed and panned games. And let me tell you, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is SERVERLY over-hated in my opinion.

When it comes to Suicide Squad, opinions are as diverse as the Joker’s wardrobe choices.

This game is SERVERLY over-hated
byu/Flafkas inSuicideSquadGaming


  • Players praise the game for expanding the Arkham universe but criticize its live-service model.
  • The thin endgame content is a major letdown for many.
  • Some find the game enjoyable despite its flaws, especially with post-game improvements.

Flafkas’ Take on Suicide Squad

Flakas looks beyond the critical remarks and derives pleasure from delving deeper into the expanded universe of Batman Arkham, appreciating its unique aspects. The game may have its flaws, but the distinct signature of Rocksteady is evident.

Community Feedback

Jimi_x\_recognizes the game’s incomplete development yet finds merit in its compelling narrative. In contrast, Dimmadome_Smug expresses disappointment towards the live-service aspect, deeming it unsatisfyingly thin.

Turning the Tide

I, DatUsaGuy, believe in highlighting the positive aspects of a game after its launch. I’ve seen improvements and now the price is more affordable. PhantomWhiskey, on the other hand, urges caution against rushing to judgment. He suggests taking the time to fully experience the game before making any final verdicts.

From my perspective as a fan, Suicide Squad elicits a range of reactions, yet I believe there’s a lot to appreciate about it if you approach it with the right mindset.

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2024-07-17 02:13