Call of Duty: A Surprise Ban and the End of My Long Relationship with Activision

As a long-time fan and dedicated player of Call of Duty, I was absolutely taken aback when I received news that my account had been permanently banned for unauthorized software use. I couldn’t believe it! I hadn’t even touched the game in months, let alone used any third-party applications. The shock was palpable as I logged into Steam to find a notice that my account had been suspended.

About a week ago, I was notified that my Activision/Call of Duty account was being banned due to using unauthorized software and altering game data. However, I hadn’t played Call of Duty through Steam for several months, so I was surprised and suspicious when I learned of the ban. I promptly investigated and verified the authenticity of the notice upon logging into my Steam account, where I discovered the unfortunate truth: my account had been banned. I take security seriously by regularly updating passwords and avoiding questionable websites. Nevertheless, here I am, dealing with a permanent ban on my account. I immediately filed an appeal, providing evidence of my recent inactivity and the unexpected nature of the notice.


  • Player receives unexpected ban from Call of Duty, leading to frustration and disbelief in the community.
  • Community members criticize the player for lack of account security measures.
  • Some users express empathy and share similar ban experiences with Activision.
  • Mixed sentiments towards Activision’s handling of player bans and account security measures.

Player vs. Activision

The user known as BlatantPlagiarist was taken aback and annoyed after getting banned for using unauthorized software, even though they hadn’t played the game for a long time. However, their appeal was rejected due to Activision’s obligation to ensure account security. This sparked disagreements among players, with some accusing the user of neglecting security precautions, while others questioned Activision’s ban methods.

Community Response

Users had various reactions, some criticized the player for neglecting security measures, while others expressed understanding for their predicament. Some shared similar experiences with being banned and raised questions about Activision’s ban policy and customer service. The online community displayed a diverse response, as opinions on this matter remained split.

Activision’s Reputation

The conversation additionally highlighted issues with Activision’s reputation, as some people criticized the company for its lack of new ideas, inadequate player assistance, and weak account safety precautions. A few users believed that the ban was a result of these shortcomings, while others stood up for Activision’s commitment to security.

In simpler terms, the blog post and its accompanying comments presented a intricate blend of responsibility from players, concern for the game company’s standing, and intricacies of the Call of Duty fanbase, reflecting the varied viewpoints among its devoted followers.

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2024-07-16 23:28