Uncovering the Mystery: Why Aphelios Fades from the Meta in League of Legends Pro Play

As a dedicated gamer with years of League of Legends experience under my belt, I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness and frustration whenever I think about Aphelios’s absence from the pro scene. I remember the excitement and anticipation when he was first introduced – his unique mechanic of cycling through weapons felt like a breath of fresh air in a meta dominated by similar champions.

Let’s explore the mystery behind why Aphelios is no longer a prominent figure in the League of Legends pro community. He used to be a force to reckon with but now seems to be having difficulty performing at the top level. So, what caused this change? Let’s find out together.

Why is Aphelios not meta in pro anymore?
byu/AcanthocephalaSad541 inleagueoflegends


  • Aphelios faces challenges against high-range champions and zone control due to his short range.
  • The current meta favors picks like Ezreal and Ashe, countering Aphelios’s playstyle.
  • Item changes impede Aphelios’s ability to quickly cycle through weapons, affecting his performance in matches.
  • Aphelios’s vulnerability to AP junglers and the lack of appropriate support picks contribute to his decline.

The Struggle Against Range

From my perspective as a fan, it’s been noted that Aphelios faces challenges against champions with long ranges like Ezreal and Kai’Sa. This disadvantage impacts his performance in team fights and skirmishes, as he can’t effectively engage or protect his allies. Furthermore, his limited defensive capabilities make him an easy target for significant damage, reducing his overall influence on the game.

The Meta’s Influence

In the present competitive scene, champions such as Ezreal and Ashe are popular choices, making it tough for Aphelios to shine. He struggles in pro play without allies who enhance his abilities.

The Item Conundrum

As a dedicated Aphelios fan, I’ve noticed that the latest updates to critical strike items have significantly affected my champion’s performance. Relying heavily on crit items and attack speed, it’s become challenging for me to efficiently manage my gun rotations with Aphelios. Consequently, this impacts his overall damage output during battles.

The Fate of Aphelios

Although Aphelios stands out with his distinctive abilities and captivating design, his performance in professional League of Legends matches remains disappointing. As the game meta shifts and fresh tactics come to light, there’s a chance we may witness a comeback for this Champion of Faith. We can only wait and see.

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2024-07-16 01:29