Destiny 2: Players Debate the Necessity of Playing The Final Shape on Every Character

As a dedicated Destiny 2 fan with hundreds of hours under my belt, I can’t help but be captivated by the intriguing narrative and immersive gameplay of The Final Shape. The storyline is engaging, the missions are thrilling, and the sense of accomplishment upon completion is unparalleled. However, I find myself at odds with the requirement to replay this content on every single one of my characters.

In Destiny 2, there’s ongoing debate among players about whether completing The Final Shape mission is necessary for each character. While the story’s ending has been well-received, the repetitiveness of the gameplay has ignited passionate arguments.

I love The Final Shape but do we need to play it on every character?
byu/SteelR013 inDestinyTheGame


  • Players appreciate the storyline and missions of The Final Shape but question the need to replay it for each character.
  • Some suggest making the gameplay account-based for a more enjoyable experience.
  • The option to pay to skip parts of the campaign has stirred mixed reactions among the community.

Players’ Perspectives

SteelR013 holds The Final Shape in high regard, appreciating its compelling storyline and engaging missions. Yet, they find it perplexing that the gameplay needs to be repeated for every character and season. This repetition leaves some players feeling uninspired and bored. Instead, the suggestion is to adopt an account-based progression system, allowing for greater flexibility and enjoyment in the gaming experience.

NDog921 points out that there’s an opportunity for users to bypass certain parts by paying, but he brings up that this convenience comes with a price tag. He recommends exploring free options instead, which might lead to greater enjoyment for the players.

Experienced gamers can save time with Intelligent-Hat-6586’s smart suggestion, which offers an optimized method for wrapping up tasks more quickly in the game.

As a gamer myself, I, LazyBoyXD, prefer taking things slow and savoring each moment in the game. I view dry weeks as chances to delve deeper into the content at my own pace. However, I can’t help but express my disappointment with the pay-to-skip feature. Don’t get me wrong, the convenience of skipping is undeniable, but as a player who values immersion and exploration, it feels like an unnecessary shortcut.

The Community’s Response

As a gamer, I’ve heard many voices expressing their frustration over having to pay to skip segments of the campaign when creating new characters. Some players believe this is a result of the developer’s decisions. The reactions towards paying for skips vary widely, from strong disapproval to reluctant acceptance. A few gamers have even commented on the company’s choices in implementing such features.

In simpler terms,Thanosthumb expresses his disappointment with Bungie’s choice to charge for the skip feature, drawing attention to this being a typical action taken by the studio.

Obi_Bong adds some humor to the situation by pointing out the importance of the financial side using a straightforward and effective phrase: “Twenty dollars is still twenty dollars.”

In simpler terms, discussing how different characters handle “The Final Shape” mission in Destiny 2 reflects the wider debate among players about the game’s mechanics and enjoyment. Some players find the skip purchase an efficient solution, while others believe it hinders the complete experience. This range of viewpoints highlights the varying player perspectives and the continuous development of Destiny 2’s gameplay design.

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2024-07-15 23:43