Persona 5 Fans Debate References to Hulk Hogan

As a long-time fan of Persona and wrestling, I find myself utterly captivated by the ongoing debate within the community regarding the potential Hulk Hogan reference in Persona 5. Having grown up watching Hulkamania sweep through Japan during the late ’80s and early ’90s, I can’t help but see the connection between the iconic wrestler and this enigmatic character from the game.

Persona 5 fans are deep-diving into the potential reference to Hulk Hogan in the game.

Is this guy confirmed to be a joke on Hulk Hogan?
byu/Toaasty641778 inPERSoNA


  • Users debate if character is a joke on Hulk Hogan.
  • Some see it as a reference rather than a mockery.
  • Hogan’s popularity in Japan adds context to the discussion.

Is It a Joke or a Reference?

Opinions are split on whether the character is meant to mock Hulk Hogan or pay homage to him.

Hogan’s Legacy in Japan

Hulk Hogan’s achievement and fame in Japan significantly influence how his character is perceived by many viewers.

Personal Interpretations

Some users humorously compare the character to Hulk Hogan, adding to the fun speculation.

Fan Connections

Fans of Persona 5 bond over discovering possible references to renowned wrestlers, such as Hulk Hogan, while exploring the game together.

Fans are having a blast diving into the lore and references within Persona 5.

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2024-07-15 09:45