Gaming News: Motion Sickness in Video Games

As someone who’s experienced motion sickness while gaming, I can’t stress enough how important it is for the gaming industry to be more considerate of players with similar sensitivities. It’s disheartening when default settings like motion blur negatively impact my experience, causing nausea and frustration instead of enjoyment.

Gaming News: Have you ever felt motion sickness while gaming?

Gaming industry needs to be kind to people with motion sickness
byu/WhyDoiHearBosssMusic ingaming


  • Understanding motion sickness triggers in video games.
  • Desire for game developers to prioritize player comfort.
  • Challenges faced by gamers with different sensitivities.

Addressing Motion Blur and FOV

Several players voicing disappointment have mentioned the issue of pre-set features like motion blur, which may cause unease and even nausea during gameplay. They strongly advocate for the availability of adjustable settings to ensure a more comfortable gaming experience.

Gamer Perspectives on Accessibility

Gamers who have medical issues such as vestibular disorders strongly advocate for game developers to take accessibility features into account. The absence of adequate awareness and resources may prevent these individuals from fully experiencing certain games, thereby underscoring the significance of designing inclusive games.

Industry Response and Future Outlook

In the realm of gaming, significant strides have been taken to tackle motion sickness and accessibility concerns. However, further advancements are necessary. By joining forces, game creators and gamers can work together towards a thoughtful design process, ultimately enhancing the enjoyment for everyone involved.

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2024-07-14 22:28