The Death of the 20 Bomb in Apex Legends – What Players Are Saying

As a long-time fan of Apex Legends, I’m saddened by the recent removal of the 20 bomb achievement. This milestone was once a source of pride and satisfaction for many players like me. However, after reflecting on the situation, I believe that several factors are contributing to this change in the game.

A peak of excitement is building among Apex Legends gamers as they discuss the disappearance of the 20-bomb milestone in the game. Some speculate that this shift could be an indication of evolving trends within the battle royale genre.

The death of the 20 bomb
byu/TechPlayz13 inapexlegends


  • Casual players leaving for other games can impact the success of battle royale titles.
  • Repetitive map design may be discouraging players from achieving milestones like the 20 bomb.
  • Toxic behavior within the community could also be contributing to changes in player behavior.

Players’ Perspectives

One individual drew a parallel between the current state of affairs and the waning popularity of Quake, highlighting the significance of retaining a substantial number of casual players for a game’s longevity.

A player raised concerns about the monotony of gameplay caused by the central Points of Interest (POIs). They mentioned that this issue arises when players frequently end up in the same areas due to their concentration.

Community Dynamics

I understand the concern raised by a fellow community member regarding the toxicity present in the Apex Legends player base. It’s disheartening to see how some players attribute any negative outcomes to their own actions, rather than acknowledging the impact of their words and behaviors on others. However, we all have the power to create a more positive and respectful gaming environment by being mindful of our interactions with others. Let’s strive towards promoting kindness, understanding, and sportsmanship within our community.

In less formal terms, some gamers have pointed out that it’s still possible to get a 20-bomb (a score of 20 kills or assists in a single match) in games below the diamond tier in ranked play. This implies that these players are prioritizing competitive gameplay over casual sessions.

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2024-07-14 13:13