8 Bluey Episodes Derailed by Muffin

As a mother of three energetic toddlers myself, I can truly relate to the chaotic yet heartwarming world of “Bluey”. The character of Muffin, with her boundless energy and unapologetic spirit, is a breath of fresh air that resonates deeply with parents everywhere.

The list you see was first released on April 22, 2024, but it’s now been revised and expanded to incorporate a fresh “minisode.

In the Bluey episode titled “BBQ”, the younger relative of Bluey and Bingo, named Muffin Heeler, expresses her preferences clearly right from their first encounter. She insists that the salad Bingo is preparing should be tailored to her liking, as she proclaims, “I like pepper-based salads!” This early display of determination hints at the strong-willed character we come to know more of in later episodes of the series.

To some, Muffin’s spiritedness is a source of amusing laughter; to others, it’s downright exasperating. Some might describe Muffin as a difficult child, particularly when compared to the well-mannered Bluey and Bingo. She embodies the essence of toddlerhood, being an energetic ball of unrestrained power whose mind isn’t fully developed yet to direct her turbulence towards productive ends. On the show, she symbolizes the more challenging aspects of parenthood; those moments when your child disregards your reasonable requests and either does whatever they wish or, even worse, throws a tantrum that includes ear-piercing screams.

Although Muffin can sometimes be challenging, there’s a touch of Muffin in every child. Kids, much like Muffin, can lose their cool when they don’t get enough rest, and no child obeys their parents all the time. The predicament of Muffin resonates with many because her parents often find themselves at a loss about how to handle her, a struggle that seems to be common among caregivers, as evidenced by popular parenting Instagram accounts.

Since we first encountered her in the initial season, Muffin has consistently brought joy, comic relief, and recognizable winks to adults who enjoy watching Bluey. Here is a compilation of the top MuffBie episodes across the show’s three seasons and minisodes, where you can witness her at her best, unleashing on her family.

“The Sleepover” (Season 1, Episode 39)


In the TV show “Bluey“, Muffin, who is three years old, demonstrates typical behavior for her age at the start. In the episode “The Sleepover“, she grapples with adapting to a big-kid lifestyle without naps. This transition can be challenging, as anyone familiar with toddlers will attest. Initially, Muffin’s lack of sleep causes her to behave erratically, playing with Bingo and Bluey in a confused state, often repeating phrases like, “Coconuts have water in them!” and “I’m queen of the flamingos!”, over and over again. Eventually, Bluey realizes that Muffin needs rest and helps her go to bed. Muffin is the epitome of an overtired toddler, yet she remains amusing throughout this phase.

“Charades” (Season 2, Episode 5)

In “Charades,” the game serves as an introduction for American audiences to the term “ice blocks” meaning popsicles, and it symbolizes the Herculean task of explaining complex rules to a willful 3-year-old who’s more like Elsa from Frozen, insisting on doing things her own way. Before a child reaches a certain age, most games need flexibility, allowing kids to play according to their whims. At Nana’s house with her cousins, Muffin struggles with the intricacies of Charades. However, nothing can deter Muffin, and she reinvents the game in a way that suits her preferences without hesitation. Does Muffin’s version of Charades adhere to traditional rules or make sense? Not at all. But it brings joy to Muffin and demonstrates that being adaptable like Nana, who goes along with whatever happens, ensures everyone has a great time together.

“Library” (Season 2, Episode 30)


As a cinema enthusiast, I’d rephrase it like this: Constantly indulging toddlers isn’t wise, and the game “Library” is akin to a chaotic round of Charades. In this game, Uncle Stripe showers praise on his daughter Muffin, making her believe she rules supreme. Consequently, she assumes control over everyone else, disrupting games like Bingo and Bluey’s peaceful library play. Her behavior becomes intolerable – she disrupts the serenity with her loud exclamations (“Zebras! Are! Stripey!”) and monopolizes all the books, refusing to return them. However, the climax of “Library” comes when Muffin learns she’s not always special. Suddenly, she can play by the rules and enjoy her games properly! She seems content with these boundaries in place.

“Muffin Cone” (Season 2, Episode 43)

Bluey, in essence, is a cartoon series revolving around dogs with human-like qualities. An episode focusing on the canine equivalent of a cone of shame showcases the artistic brilliance within it; added bonus, this episode exhibits some quirky Muffin behaviors. In this instance, Muffin has a habit of thumb-sucking, and to discourage this, her parents put her in a cone, making playtime with Bluey and Bingo challenging. However, after Chilli’s suggestion, the siblings creatively adapt their play around the cone, even encouraging Muffin to thumb-suck intentionally to wear the cone during future playdates. Seems like the punishment didn’t quite work as planned!

“Pizza Girls” (Season 3, Episode 19)

4-year-old Muffin displays her enhanced hand-eye coordination in “Pizza Girls.” In this adventure, she joyfully drives her new electric car to her cousins’ home. It’s no surprise that Muffin was destined for driving, as she swiftly zips around the backyard until her vehicle needs recharging (“Oh no! It’s out of power!”). As the kids patiently wait for their electric toy to revive, Muffin seamlessly switches roles and becomes a diligent mechanic for Bluey’s malfunctioning wheelie car. With unwavering determination, she becomes the most dedicated repairperson ever, even helping her friends create mud pizzas for the adults.

“Faceytalk” (Season 3, Episode 24)


Among the amusing episodes of “Bluey”, “Faceytalk” is particularly noted. This episode stands out because it’s entirely set during a video call between Muffin, Socks, and their cousins. In a playful twist, Uncle Stripe attempts to punish Muffin for monopolizing the screen by putting her in timeout, but Muffin seizes his phone instead, continuing the call as she dodges her father’s attempts to catch her around the house. A brief argument ensues between Stripe and Trixie about parenting methods (“We don’t do time-outs anymore!”), followed by their unsuccessful attempts to recapture Muffin. The chaos reaches a climax when Stripe’s phone accidentally falls out the window, landing in their pool.

“Granny Mobile” (Season 3, Episode 33)

In a different way of saying it: Bluey cleverly avoids depicting Muffin as a “bad” child; she’s indeed quite a handful, but remember, she’s just a toddler, and all toddlers can be overwhelming. However, Muffin is more determined than most young kids, as we see in the episode “Granny Mobile.” In this installment, Bluey, Bingo, and Muffin play a game where they pretend to be old ladies, with Muffin adopting a cranky-old-lady persona. During their neighbor’s garage sale, she gets into a price dispute over an electric scooter, standing up against a genuine grouchy granny and emerging victorious. There’s a lesson to be learned here from Muffin – sometimes, standing firm and holding onto your convictions can be beneficial. And Muffin teaches us how to do so with style.

“Muffin Unboxing” (Bluey Minisodes, Season 1, Episode 3)


Titled “Muffin’s Dump Truck Unboxing,” this brief clip packs a punch in under two minutes. In the style of popular vlogs, Bluey offers a humorous twist on a common influencer theme. Here, Uncle Stripe attempts to transform Muffin into a YouTube star by unveiling a free dump truck from the manufacturer. As the video unfolds, Muffin exhibits various emotions – from nonchalance to annoyance, fleeting happiness, and fury.

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2024-10-08 21:54