7 Things Diablo Fans Want for Season 5 and Beyond

As a dedicated Diablo fan and long-time player, I can’t help but join the lively discussions about Season 5 and beyond. Based on my personal experiences and the collective voice of the community, here are some things I truly desire for our beloved game:

Diablo’s fanbase is currently engaged in lively conversations about their expectations for Season 5 and future installments. Let’s take a look at some of the desires expressed by the community:

Things I want for Season 5 and beyond
byu/faderjester indiablo4


  • Players seek open-world content scaling for more challenging gameplay.
  • Enhanced reward scaling to keep the gameplay engaging and balanced.
  • Request for additional variety in dungeons and boss encounters to spice up the gameplay.

Open World Content Scaling

Several gamers believe that the existing Mind Cages mechanism in the open world needs enhancement to present a more engaging and tougher gameplay experience. One gamer commented, “Mind Cages are decent, but beyond a particular threshold, it makes no difference if you’re employing them or not; you’ll be defeating everything with one hit anyway. Introduce an alternative like Mind Cages that affects all elements in the open world and let us intensify the challenge as much as we desire.”

Reward Scaling

Users are advocating for more balanced rewards in various game modes. One player proposes, “Instead of reducing the rewards at the Blood Maiden where many can easily gain good loot just by contributing a heart, distribute similar high-value rewards across other content. Prevent easy farming methods like ‘sweet shot,’ and keep us engaged by ensuring that progressing is always beneficial.”

Nightmare Dungeons 101-200

Players enjoy the challenge of Nightmare Dungeons but believe they should offer greater incentives and adjust in difficulty to remain engaging. A player expressed, “I enjoy them, yet they need more than just glyph leveling as rewards. The content within is abundant, but once you’ve built up your character, it becomes too simple and the rewards become insignificant after glyph leveling.”

In simpler terms, the players are having conversations about potential modifications such as organizing loot, introducing new events, and enhancing overall experience in the Diablo game. The community is collaborating closely with the developers to influence the game’s future direction. They are sharing their preferences regarding loot sorting and suggesting features like sell-all buttons, among other things.

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2024-07-15 15:58