2XKO Looks To Bring Tag-Based Fighting Games Into A New Era

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of fighting games and crossovers. But when I attended Evo 2024 and got my hands on 2XKO for the first time, I was immediately intrigued by more than just the League of Legends (LoL) characters making their way into a new realm. Don’t get me wrong; it’s always exciting to see familiar faces in fresh environments, like Negan from The Walking Dead joining Tekken 7 or Banjo-Kazooie gracing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

With the unveiling of more details about 2XKO, there’s been an increasing buzz surrounding how familiar League Of Legends characters will be transformed for a fighting game. This is not surprising since witnessing beloved franchises expand into new territories can be captivating. The excitement lies in observing these “fish out of water” moments when recognizable figures like Negan from Tekken 7 and Banjo-Kazooie from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate adapt to their fresh environments.

After trying out 2XKO at Evo 2024 a few times, I came to understand that concentrating solely on the game’s reimagined League of Legends characters is not doing it justice. The game brings significant changes to the 2v2 fighting format, from tweaked mechanics to a deeper shift in the way we approach playing a fighting game. Although 2XKO is known for refurbishing one aspect, it could possibly be transforming the entire experience right before our eyes.

Previously discussed is the tag-team fighting game, 2XKO, where two players go head-to-head in battles akin to X-Men vs. Street Fighter. The roster comprises champions hailing from the massively popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game, League Of Legends. During our demonstration, we played with six of these champions: Ahri, Braum, Darius, Ekko, Illaoi, and Yasuo.

Starting from the character selection menu, there’s an unexpected twist: When Riot Games refers to “2v2” in the context of 2XKO, it doesn’t simply mean “two characters versus two characters.” Instead, each game accommodates up to four players, with every player commanding only one champion. Consequently, a match might involve various combinations, such as:

  • Team A and Team B have a single human player controlling both champions in a team.
  • Team A and Team B have two human players, each one assigning themselves a specific champion.
  • Team A has a single human player controlling both champions while Team B has two human players each assigned to one champion, or vice versa.

2XKO Looks To Bring Tag-Based Fighting Games Into A New Era

From a strategic perspective, having one player control two characters introduces unique complexities. However, going up against a pair of human opponents, each with distinct playing styles and tactics, adds a whole new layer of competition. This raises intriguing questions for the future, such as whether 2XKO tournaments will permit registration as either a solo representative or a two-person team, and how this dynamic unfolds in real-time.

At the selection screen for characters, you’ll find an additional feature called Fuses. These are bonus perks that can be chosen to enhance your team’s abilities. During the demonstration, we were advised to try Pulse – a control variant similar to Modern – but we also came across Double Down and 2X Assist. With Double Down, each character’s Ultimate attack merges into one powerful move. And 2X Assist grants an assisting character more diverse options when summoned. We primarily used Pulse in our matches, but experimenting with 2X Assist introduced some valuable new tactics.

After forming your teams, the fundamental gameplay of 2XKO will resonate with fans of fighting games. With only one character from each team present at a time, you can summon your partner for a quick assist move during the battle. The round is won when both characters on one side have depleted their entire health bar. This gaming experience is more deliberate and measured than typical fast-paced titles like Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. In this preview, we appreciate the slower tempo as it enables us to grasp the game’s intricacies without being overwhelmed by a hectic pace.

2XKO Looks To Bring Tag-Based Fighting Games Into A New Era

In the new 2XKO fighting game format, there’s an intriguing modification to note: when a character gets knocked out in previous tag-team fights, both they and their assist characters were sidelined for the remainder of the round or match. However, in 2XKO, fallen characters can still be called upon for assists.

As a fan of fighting games like Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and 3, I can tell you that losing your assist characters in those games used to be a major setback. The timing of assists is crucial for winning matches, and if you’re ahead, you could take advantage of your opponent’s lack of assists. However, with the new 2XKO system where assists are always active, that safety net is gone. This shift in strategy forces the player who’s behind to keep pressing forward and stay aggressive, rather than playing defensively while trying to regain their lost assists.

they deliver powerful blows to their opponents without mercy or hesitation. Yasuo was another popular choice initially, as his playstyle focuses less on raw power and more on agility and precise strikes for maximum impact.

2XKO Looks To Bring Tag-Based Fighting Games Into A New Era

As a long-time League of Legends player, I’ve had the chance to explore the depths of various champions’ abilities and playstyles. Ekko, with his unique time powers, is undeniably intriguing. His potential lies in his capacity to manipulate positioning on the battlefield, which sets him apart from other champions. However, during my gameplay sessions, I haven’t yet had enough time to fully grasp the intricacies of his combos and synergies.

2XKO is making a bold attempt to revolutionize the fighting game genre with its innovative changes. Though these modifications mark new territory for its franchise, if executed effectively, they could significantly impact the future direction of fighting games as we know it. The release date remains uncertain, but keep an eye out for this groundbreaking title among fighting game enthusiasts and beyond.

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2024-07-26 00:09