As a passionate gaming enthusiast, I can resonate deeply with ThaFlagrantOne’s post – a melancholic mix of nostalgia, disillusionment, and a dash of humor that encapsulates the bittersweet reality many of us face: the heartache of anticipation turned sour when we realize our wait for a collectible has extended past its prime. The announcement of Goodsmile’s Zagreus action figure sent shivers down the spines of fans initially, but over time, that excitement has morphed into bewilderment and a frantic search. Fellow gaming buddies chimed in, finding solace in shared tales. TheFlubClub, one such user, shared their joy of acquiring the figure earlier, “I managed to get mine quite some time ago (it’s amazing).” Yet, they voiced worry that the figure might have transformed into a hard-to-find relic, only accessible through resellers – a fate that unfortunately befalls many cherished collectibles.