Destiny 2: What to Do with Those Excess Exotic Engrams?
As a devoted Destiny 2 enthusiast, I completely resonate with Goldeagle13’s post. It perfectly captures the dilemma many of us face: what to do when we accumulate an overwhelming number of exotic engrams while waiting for content updates that seem scarce? It leaves us in a quandary, unsure whether to hoard these tantalizing treasures or let them slip away. PsychoactiveTHICC’s witty gif beautifully portrays the confusion we feel, as nothing quite communicates the bafflement of modern gaming like an animated expression of shock.
The general consensus in the comments is to make the best out of this situation. Despite the exotic engrams not living up to our expectations, they’re far from worthless. So whether you’re swimming in a sea of these exotic trinkets or just have a few, it’s all about how you manage them now.