At the center of the discussion lies the idea of a complete reset—in essence, a means for Guardians to discard all their equipment, power ranks, and accomplishments, and embark on… something we’re not yet familiar with! User Hollywood_Zro proposes an intriguing concept. Imagine: a gateway leading to a fresh corner of the universe, tailor-made for a restart. Players would pass through this gateway, abandoning their extensive collections and starting over, much like a brand-new Guardian born from a fabricator. While this idea might be enticing, it raises the question of what we’d be giving up. For years, many Guardians have spent countless hours gathering top-tier loot, showing off rare exotics, or pursuing that elusive triumph. Would they really be willing to throw all that away? The answer remains undecided, with some commenters voicing worries that this setup could be Destiny 3 in disguise, leading to a flurry of theories about its potential contents.