Manor Lords: The Ale Dilemma – Why Your Tavern is Struggling to Keep Up
Reading Afro28’s post makes it evident that the main issue isn’t about producing ale, but rather managing its distribution to the tavern. Various users joined in the discussion, with whatdarrenplays noting that “67 families consuming ale is more than a single Tavern Keeper family can manage.” This implies that players should take into account the ratio of ale consumption against the workforce responsible for maintaining the tavern’s supply. It seems crucial that tavern keepers, who are often the unsung heroes fetching ale from storage, stay close by to ensure a steady flow of ale, similar to water at a medieval festival. In essence, keeping tavern staff near resources is essential to cater to the villagers’ thirst effectively. To put it simply, proximity of tavern staff to resources is vital for meeting the villagers’ demands for ale.