Destiny 2 Players Seek Teletubby Friends: Is Skill-Based Matching Ruining PvP?
In the universe of Destiny 2, the Crucible now serves as a battlefield where Guardians aren’t just battling for dominance over the Light, but also grappling with the vast gap in skill levels among gamers. A post from user StormingRazors sparked a heated response when they shared their matchmaking woes, finding themselves in a league of 1400 Elo, facing off against seasoned players boasting an astounding 23,000 kills with their Conditional Finality. This outcry expresses the dissatisfaction felt by many players who yearn for friendly competition but find themselves instead in a high-pressure tournament setting—a perfect illustration of the Teletubbies’ world spinning too fast. The ensuing conversation delved into a funny yet thoughtful examination of one of Destiny 2’s most debated topics: skill-based matchmaking, and whether it has indeed shattered the dreams of casual players seeking enjoyment with friends.