Why Does Destiny 2 Make Us Question Our Gaming Choices?
One user exclaimed their astonishment in a concise manner, mastering the skill of expressing profound disbelief in a few short words. For numerous gamers, the Crucible has morphed into a spectacle reminiscent of a circus, with clowns who are slightly more dangerous than typical. With lag-induced spawns and supers that seem to defy gravity, entering a match can feel like jumping into a blender. Repeating encounters give the sensation of déjà vu, as many Guardians find themselves respawning only to die yet again, in a predictable cycle. This repetitive nature has transformed the gameplay into an intricate form of video game purgatory, leaving players questioning if they are truly playing or unwittingly subjecting themselves to more frustration.”
The “Crucible experience” suggests that absurdity has become an integral aspect of the game, causing players to contemplate what actions in their past lives might have led to such a fate.