Why Last Epoch Players are Craving WASD Movement – The Great Debate

In the realm of action RPGs, Last Epoch has found its unique spot, yet the return of gamers from recent titles has led to an intriguing predicament. As veterans re-engage in combat, they encounter an unexpected issue: the lack of WASD movement controls. A thoughtful post by a user named SyleSpawn ignites discussion on the subreddit, expressing shared frustration that mirrors the sentiment of players moving from modern games like Lost Ark and Diablo 4. In today’s gaming world, where smooth, adaptable control systems are king, stepping back into Last Epoch’s point-and-click mechanics feels akin to boarding a time machine without its futuristic enhancements.


  • Players returning from titles with WASD controls feel stifled by Last Epoch’s point-and-click system.
  • There is a growing call for alternatives, such as mods or tweaks that could introduce WASD controls.
  • Community reactions vary from frustration with the control scheme to acceptance and adaptation recommendations.
  • Some players find value in experimenting with controllers as a potential solution to combat movement limitations.

The WASD Movement Revolution

The main problem faced by SyleSpawn revolves around the character movement in Last Epoch, which contrasts sharply with the fast-paced WASD navigation widely used in modern Action Role-Playing Games (ARPGs). This player seems to have grown accustomed to zipping quickly across maps using the WASD keys, a standard feature now common in contemporary gaming. The article points out that this player feels “spoiled” or “damaged goods,” due to the smooth movement mechanics found in games like PoE2.

Interestingly, many players find the absence of WASD controls not only less enjoyable but also requires a time-consuming adjustment period. For those who have grown accustomed to using WASD for movement, returning to a point-and-click system can feel awkward and cumbersome, much like switching from a smartphone back to a rotary phone. The comments section of the post echoed these sentiments, with other players expressing similar frustrations and expressing a desire for a more fluid movement experience.

Adapting to the Situation

In the gaming community, there’s a lot of talk about transitioning to WASD controls, but it’s evident that not all gamers are upset about this change. Players such as Kowalski_ESP have reported adapting quickly, with them stating that it felt strange for only the first few minutes, demonstrating our ability to adapt to new control schemes when necessary. This discussion reveals varying player experiences and tolerances. Some users suggest exercising some patience during this transition period, arguing that it’s possible to switch between various games with diverse control systems without much trouble. This supports the notion that adapting is an integral part of gaming, even though initial discomfort may be experienced, which could symbolize each gamer’s unique journey in the gaming world.

The Community Suggestions

In looking for answers, ideas emerge swiftly, much like mushrooms after a rain shower. Some users propose experimenting with modifying features, such as an AutoHotkey script devised by another player, Lunarbanana suggests investigating this script that provides WASD movement, demonstrating the creativity of the community in tackling the control issue. On the other hand, some users like Snack-Pack-Lover express mixed feelings about WASD, criticizing its imprecision when it comes to managing movements compared to point-and-click. A more laid-back approach leads others to consider using controllers, with elrealprosti pointing out that several Last Epoch builds can accommodate controller play—an intriguing deviation that recognizes the adaptable nature of modern gaming. Employing a controller could provide a more leisurely experience, merging nostalgia with contemporary gameplay requirements.

The Developer’s Outlook

In different conversations among players and developers, whispers about possible WASD movement integration spark both excitement and apprehension. Figorix hints that while developers are open to the concept, a complete implementation might not occur during the next season. This possibility could bring change if the development team can introduce WASD controls without undermining Last Epoch’s unique character. As innovation is key for a game’s longevity, the call for WASD control serves as a symbol of player influence. Will this change rock the core of Last Epoch or breathe new life into it? The gaming world hangs in anticipation.

In the heat of the Last Epoch gaming community, SyleSpawn’s post sparked a whirlwind of feelings, from longing for the past to brainstorming fresh ideas. One thing remains clear: actions speak volumes. We, as players, grapple with the boundaries and potential within this game, igniting a more profound discussion about gameplay mechanics and what we desire from an ARPG adventure.

As Last Epoch sails through its dynamic journey, it’s evident that nailing down intuitive controls is crucial in ensuring both veteran and returning players feel at home and immersed. This delicate balance between nostalgia and innovation keeps the gaming realm forever vibrant and evolving.

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2025-01-26 20:29