Why Can’t We Say ‘Them’ in Destiny 2? The Censorship Conundrum!

Destiny 2 has continued to intrigue its gaming enthusiasts, particularly with its consistently updating chat features that leave players puzzled and sometimes in fits of laughter. A fascinating problem has surfaced lately, as highlighted by a player named GamingWithBilly: the word “them” is being removed from local chats. It’s hard to fathom! Gamers were taken aback when they tried to express intense in-game exclamations like, “Don’t go or your children will die! Drifter will eat them!” but found that the game wouldn’t let them type “them.” Instead, it replaced the intended word with a string of asterisks. The question remains: what is the reason for this perplexing decision, and why are players nearly rolling on the floor laughing about it? Get ready to delve into the depths of this amusing mystery!


  • The censorship of “them” has sparked confusion and hilarity among Destiny 2 players, leading to debates about the effectiveness of chat filters.
  • Players have shared similar experiences with outlandish censorship, including perfectly innocent words getting replaced with random characters.
  • Many gamers feel that strict censorship is unnecessary, especially in a game rated PEGI 16, and are calling for more sensible chat options.
  • Comments ranged from lighthearted takes on the issue to impassioned rants about player autonomy and the need for better filtering options.

Why “Them”? Why Not “They”?

It’s surprising how the use of “them” sets off automatic censorship, while “they” seems to slip through unscathed. One user noted, “Who knows what Bungie’s censorship system is thinking!” and they weren’t far off. The reasoning behind this puzzling choice remains unclear. Some players speculate that it could be related to the structure of the sentence being used, particularly when more active verbs like “eat” come before it. Another user recounted their clan’s experience with overzealous censorship; even the word “ball” was replaced with numbers, leaving them confused and amused. They joked, “It’s as if pixels are trying to censor our deepest thoughts!” It seems like a classic example of someone overcomplicating the filter rules when they should have allowed for more freedom in communication.

The Collective Groans of Censorship

The subject of game censorship can be tricky, as it seems to be leading to a widespread sense of discomfort among gamers. One player aptly put it, “There’s an excessive amount of content being filtered in the game, which is why chat isn’t widely used.” This description paints a picture of a largely silent chat room where players are hesitant to communicate due to fear of censorship. It feels as though we’re playing a game of Charades with half the words missing.

The shared struggles of gamers dealing with censorship for seemingly harmless words highlights the growing dissatisfaction surrounding this topic. Specifically, the frequent censorship during raids, when clear communication is crucial, has sparked a longing for the good old days when gaming chat felt more genuine—a time when we relied on shared gamer slang instead of constantly avoiding filters.

The Call for Chat Independence

Behind all the jokes, there’s a deep desire among gamers for unrestricted freedom of expression within gaming communities. One user firmly stated, “Censorship in online gaming, beyond slurs and hate speech, is not acceptable.” This viewpoint resonates strongly among many players who question why such restrictions are necessary at all. The feeling that mature gamers, those who understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate language, are not given a choice in how they communicate within games leaves a sour note. The consensus in the comments appears to be a call for flexibility—the ability for players to turn filters on or off as they see fit. This discussion raises broader questions about censorship in online environments, urging developers to take into account the age and maturity of their player base alongside the need for safe spaces.

The Humor in the Chaos

In spite of the annoyance that censorship might cause, there was a touch of delight hidden in the conversations: humor! Ranging from jokes poking fun at the incongruity of discussing “Drifter” while having to bleep certain words, to witty remarks about how “Zavala” was also considered offensive, gamers found amusement in the inconsistencies, exchanging light-hearted banter. It’s all about maintaining the right perspective to find humor in these seemingly absurd filters. The challenges posed by censorship create a narrative landscape, one that may resemble a Far Side comic strip—which is perhaps why gaming communities can laugh at such situations while uniting to confront the challenge of navigating a heavily censored system.

In the course of their cosmic journeys and battles against cross-dimensional adversaries, players should be able to freely voice their opinions without being hindered by basic chat restrictions. The storyline of these games serves as an amusing reminder of how quickly gaming evolves but sometimes fails to fully engage its community. Despite this, the Destiny 2 community persists in making their voices heard through laughter, impassioned outbursts, and a collective yearning for authentic connection – all while maneuvering the perplexing landscape of asterisks. Whether Bungie listens to their pleas or not, one fact remains undeniable: good humor can transform a blunder into an epic legend!

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2025-01-23 19:13