What Could Have Been: Destiny 2 Players Reflect on Missed Subclass Ideas

As a dedicated Destiny 2 gamer, I’ve always found the game to be a boundless playground for my imagination and creativity. We players often delve deep into discussions about subclasses, abilities, and the untapped potential they represent. Recently, a thread sparked by LoogixHD has stirred up some nostalgic thoughts about missed subclass opportunities. It’s a captivating topic that provides a peek into our collective dreams for alternate powers and abilities that could have reshaped the game’s storyline or mechanics. The vibrant debate over veil-type powers is a testament to the community’s divided feelings – we yearn for the past, what might have been on our consoles, yet are excited about the present, fueling an engaging dialogue filled with speculative ideas and playful banter.


  • Players express disappointment over the lack of subclasses and alternate powers, hinting at missed opportunities in gameplay variety.
  • Discussion revolves around previous concepts, like “veil-type powers,” showcasing the creativity of both Bungie and the community.
  • Despite a longing for new subclasses, many respondents acknowledge the excellent balance of current powers and supers.
  • Players demonstrate a mix of hope and skepticism regarding potential future subclasses while reminiscing about the game’s evolution.

What Were We Missing?

Discussions about subclasses in Destiny 2 have always been localized, with players frequently debating various aspects such as weapon mechanics and gameplay details related to specific subclasses. For instance, one early conversation sparked interest about Bungie’s plans before they introduced the Strand subclass. User robborrobborrobbor recalled veil-like powers that were discussed during development, which eventually gave way to the arrival of Strand. The nostalgic excitement for potential alternate abilities can be felt, as many players ponder how these powers could have added a completely new strategic layer to combat situations. If these hypothetical concepts were based on artists’ work and early theories from developers, there are likely countless ideas that could inspire the next wave of Guardians.

One Super to Rule Them All

The discussion on expanding subclasses has become quite wild when it touches upon the scarcity of super abilities. User yesitsmeow adds to this with a thought-provoking query about the mysterious dark subclasses, which only offer Guardians one option for their powers. It’s fascinating to observe that gamers are pondering whether they might receive additional supers within these gameplay mechanics, as such changes could significantly influence the flow and dynamics of battles. Many players believe that the subclasses could retain their unique character by incorporating more super abilities. However, Bungie faces a challenging task in maintaining balance. While players crave choice and flexibility with their subclass abilities, they must also understand how these changes can affect overall game equilibrium. This leads to an atmosphere full of theoretical debates, where players critique the existing limitations while hoping for stronger alternatives in the future.

Mixed Feelings About Strand

In a discussion where many gamers have expressed their thoughts on improving Strand, user JustaguynameBob made an insightful comment: “Strand and the powers of the Green Lanterns operate in very distinct ways.” This remark sparked a small but intense debate as players defended their perspectives regarding the game mechanics. The range of opinions about abilities, particularly when referencing pop culture, demonstrates how these games are deeply woven into the broader fabric of player interactions and creativity. Some criticize Strand for being too similar to other subclasses, while others defend Bungie’s design for providing unique experiences that differ from one another. The lively debate showcases the vibrant mosaic of interpretations that can emerge from player feedback.

Remembering the Armblades

During the conversation, there was a touch of wit, as User Khar-Selim pointed out that players have been consistently complaining about the newly added armblades in Season 16, right after they were introduced. This playful comment serves as a reminder that in any gaming community, new changes usually prompt a wave of critiques and humorous comments from players. What was initially seen as an exciting feature turned into a lesson on caution, as many players found it to be similar to “Chaos Reach, but even worse.” This kind of commentary not only brings a bit of humor—it’s sarcastic in nature—but also highlights the ongoing challenge of meeting player expectations in an environment where the bar is constantly set higher. Players are continually adapting to new changes, whether they turn out to be good or bad, as their feedback fluctuates with the passing seasons.

The talks about skipped subclass missions in Destiny 2 show just how emotionally invested players are in their Guardians and the game itself. These discussions weave together memories from the past with anticipation for the future, and they demonstrate a passionate fanbase that’s both creative and critical. Whether it’s outlandish ideas or strategic gameplay, the player contributions are priceless. The desire to revisit what might have been, and the curiosity about what’s coming next, keeps the community thriving. And let’s face it, everyone enjoys a bit of mystery—especially when it comes with a dash of superpowers!

The discussions surrounding skipped subclass projects in Destiny 2 highlight the deep emotions that players hold for their Guardians and the game as a whole. These conversations form a rich tapestry, where nostalgia intertwines with optimism, and where creativity flourishes alongside constructive criticism. Whether they’re dreaming up fantastical scenarios or analyzing game mechanics—the contributions of players are indispensable. The enthusiasm to revisit past possibilities, and the excitement about future developments, keeps the community buzzing. It seems everyone is drawn to a good mystery—especially when it comes with a helping of superpowers!

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2025-02-02 16:59