Time to Rethink Chronos: Creative Ideas for SMITE’s God of Time

As a devoted fan, I’ve been captivated lately by the buzz surrounding Smite, particularly the intriguing conversations about one of its unique gods – Chronos, the God of Time. The community has been abuzz with innovative ideas to elevate Chronos, making him more immersive and entertaining for players. A post from “DesignerPretend2074” ignited a flame, suggesting an intelligent revamp for Chronos by enabling players to choose their preferred ability effect during a prefire animation. This idea sparked a torrent of comments and suggestions from Redditors, each expressing their thoughts on how to improve the experience of embodying this time-manipulating deity.

Chronos +1
byu/DesignerPretend2074 inSmite


  • Chronos’s passive ability creates an unnecessary wait time, leading to frustration among players.
  • Many community members proposed unique +1 ideas to improve Chronos, focusing on his passive and ability mechanics.
  • Sentiments varied, with some applauding the current mechanics for their thematic relevance, while others called for substantial changes.
  • Overall, players agree that a fresh take on Chronos could revitalize his gameplay and make him more fun to play.

Chronos’s Passive: The Great Waiting Game

One frequently debated aspect in the post’s comments revolves around Chronos’s passive ability, which seems to stretch on forever. Many users have expressed frustration over the lengthy wait times needed to access different areas of power. As user The_Manglererer insightfully noted, “The clock symbolizes time. Waiting is inherent to time. It fits the theme.” Although there’s a touch of poetic logic in that observation, not everyone shares that level of patience. Instead, players are yearning for a smoother experience, such as having the option to select their quadrant during prefire. After all, who wants to be confined while their opponents are moving swiftly and causing destruction? Isn’t the concept of a time deity being quicker in decision-making part of the excitement? The calls for instantaneity and adaptability in skill usage have players eager for a change—even if it meant adjusting him slightly while maintaining his thematic core.

Catching Up with Chronos: Abilities that Could Use a Time Turn

Users were brimming with creative suggestions on enhancing Chronos’s abilities. For instance, ILuhBlahPepuu proposed the removal of basic attack penalties, echoing, “Bring back the most enjoyable god in the game.” This statement beautifully encapsulates a longing for nostalgia along with a logical reasoning – imposing penalties while playing in a swift game environment contradicts the lively, time-controlling nature of a deity like Chronos. Following this, Aewon2085 expressed interest in having a cooldown rate bonus added to his passive’s stack. He believes that the connection is evident and proposed a 2% cooldown reduction per stack – an innovative idea that harmonizes beautifully with Chronos’s lore. Given the broad potential for improvement, it’s definitely an opportune moment to explore those anticipated adjustments!

Gameplay Experience: Balance Between Lore and Fun

While it’s not about completely discarding everything, there are aspects of Chronos’s gameplay that are deeply interwoven with his lore. For instance, ZombieSlayer5 mentioned, “It makes sense as is… because while Chronos is the God of Time, he too is subject to its vagaries.” This underscores the complex task game designers face in preserving the storyline’s authenticity while enhancing gameplay. By acknowledging the connection between narrative and playability, we can have a richer dialogue about how players perceive this character. Maintaining a balance between fun and thematic relevance is vital, and opting for subtle adjustments rather than major overhauls helps protect that delicate equilibrium. Essentially, we don’t want Chronos to transform into just another common assassin by losing his unique essence in the pursuit of power.

Final Thoughts and Community Spirit

As a dedicated fan, I’ve been captivated by the lively discussions about Chronos that showcase the creativity and dedication of our gaming community. Each post and comment exudes the enthusiasm we all share in striving to improve the game for everyone. Constructive ideas turned into actionable suggestions can capture the attention of developers, who might even incorporate them into the game. The ongoing debate is akin to a time loop, with constructive feedback looping back into innovative ideas. From subtle enhancements to radical overhauls, the conversation about Chronos is dynamic and brimming with personality, much like the god himself. The vibrant engagement in this community speaks volumes about our shared love for the game and its intricate characters – a rare gem in the gaming world. Whether Chronos gets a little boost or a complete makeover, it’s thrilling to be part of a community that collaborates and shares ideas to make him a god worthy of the time he represents.

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2025-01-07 14:15