The film titled “One of Them Days,” featuring Keke Palmer and SZA as struggling Los Angeles roommates under financial pressure to come up with their rent money within nine hours, is a delightful throwback to the style of ’90s neighborhood comedies. Similar to movies like “Friday” (1995) and “The Players Club” (1998), this film successfully incorporates a gritty, authentic feel amidst its humor, making it an enjoyable representation of everyday life. These films, often produced by New Line, were the offspring of earlier works like “House Party” and the energetic opening sequence of Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing.” While they shared roots with these predecessors, they also served as a contrast to the violent inner-city dramas that dominated commercial Black cinema during the early ’90s. These comedies offered an alternative perspective, characterized by raw, gritty, and sometimes raunchy humanity, teaching the film industry a valuable lesson – about the intersection of diversity and profitability – that it appears to need to relearn consistently.
In the movie “One of Them Days,” Dreux, a waitress at a chain restaurant, and Alyssa, a laid-back artist, display a hilarious dynamic with their rapid-fire banter. They exchange barbs and words of encouragement with equal enthusiasm and biting wit; the script by Syreeta Singleton carries a zany, unpredictable energy. The duo find themselves in a tight spot due to their landlord, the stern immigrant Uche, who’s threatening eviction as he seeks to renovate their run-down two-story apartment building. The property is in a sorry state, but there are whispers of gentrification, and with it, impending eviction notices. Unfortunately for them, Alyssa gave the rent money to her questionable boyfriend, Keshawn, who’s always concocting schemes despite seemingly lacking a place to live. He squandered the money on his latest venture – ugly acrylic T-shirts emblazoned with “Gucci.
In “One of Them Days,” the central mystery revolves around how the characters manage to secure funds, intermittently interrupted by a ticking clock that momentarily halts the narrative flow. This film propels its female leads through one predicament to another. However, the true focus of the movie lies not in the predicaments themselves, but rather the diverse individuals they encounter along their journey. “One of Them Days” offers an endearing caricature of a community where residents thrive on their chaotic quirks, never veering into such exaggeration that it fails to provoke genuine laughter.
In a loan office, Dreux and Alyssa are approached by Lucky, a homeless philosopher who repeatedly advises them against their actions through the window, proving his words wise. The stern manager of a blood bank, once a stripper, oversees her domain with an air of practicality. A thief on a bicycle continuously swipes honey butter biscuits from a fast-food pay window. Janelle James plays a character causing trouble, even managing to sway Keshawn’s loyalty. Alyssa retrieves Air Jordans hanging from power lines as if they were gold bars (valued at $2,500). After nearly being electrocuted by the power line, she encounters an EMS van – all these events contribute to a vivid depiction of the struggles and desperation prevalent in lower-income America.
In this story, Dreux has a romantic interest in Patrick Cage, a Mercedes-driving maniac who was once a troublemaker and likely has a criminal past. Lil Rel Howry portrays a cunning con artist, while Amin Joseph humorously plays a cold-hearted gangster named King Lolo. The heroines navigate through the chaos of their questionable companions, trying to stay sane amidst it all.
Dreux has an afternoon interview for a potential job as a franchise manager, which could significantly elevate her life to a higher social class. Palmer, despite having a traditional role, is incredibly witty in her delivery and steals the show. In her film debut, SZA exudes charisma, like a simmering volcano of campy anger. The director, Lawrence Lamont, who is known for helming hip-hop videos, makes his feature-film directing debut with this project. While one might think his primary focus would be on maintaining the humor, the film’s true strength lies in the visual and rhythmic style that he brings to it. Each interaction feels just slightly unpredictable, creating its own unique comedic atmosphere. “One of Them Days” resonates with a society that, for many, is an economic abyss. While the pain of this reality is palpable, the film’s humor lies in the irony that everyone has become a coping mechanism, turning their struggles into a form of ostentatious display. This makes them intriguing company to be around.
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2025-01-15 20:16