The production of the Michael Jackson biopic titled “Michael,” directed by Antoine Fuqua (known for “Training Day”), has encountered complications due to an old contract. The film, with Jaafar Jackson portraying the title character and Colman Domingo playing Joe Jackson, now needs to revise its third act. As reported by Matt Belloni from Puck, this revision is necessary because the third act originally centered on the child-molestation investigation of Jackson that was initiated by the Chandler family in 1993. However, it appears that the Chandlers had signed a settlement in the ’90s, which prohibits the dramatization of them and their story. This information came to light when one of the estate executors, John Branca (depicted by Miles Teller in the film), failed to inform the filmmakers about the Jackson estate making hush payments to accusers until a September 2024 report in the Financial Times, which was published after shooting had already wrapped on the $150 million movie.
According to Belloni, the movie aims to structure its narrative around the Chandlers’ accusations and portray them as greedy money-seekers. Unlike previous interpretations of the Michael Jackson story, such as the Broadway production “MJ,” this film will not shy away from addressing the allegations of his abuse. The Jackson estate has agreed to cover the costs for the necessary reshoots, but the script is yet to receive final approval from both Lionsgate and Universal. Originally scheduled to premiere in April 2025, the movie “Michael” has been postponed to October 2025.
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2025-01-24 21:53