Mastering Charcoal Production in Manor Lords: Tips and Tricks

As a seasoned Manor Lords player with countless hours under my belt, I can’t help but be intrigued by the ongoing debate surrounding charcoal production optimization on the subreddit. Having experienced both the struggle of micromanaging resources and the ease of more hands-off approaches, I believe that finding a balance is key to mastering this game.

In the realm of Manor Lords, effectively utilizing resources for charcoal production is crucial for a robust economy. On the Manor Lords subreddit, players have been exchanging ideas on how to maximize this process and conserve resources wisely.

Charcoal production
byu/TemperatureOk5044 inManorLords


  • Optimizing charcoal production can streamline your resource management strategy in Manor Lords.
  • Players suggest turning off the woodcutter hut stall and controlling firewood in the warehouse to divert it to the charcoal kiln.
  • Micromanaging firewood allocation may not always be necessary for effective gameplay in Manor Lords.

Efficient Firewood Allocation Strategies

Some players suggest particular methods for stockpiling firewood exclusively for making charcoal. User Zygmunt-zen proposes disabling the Woodcutter Hut’s output to the Warehouse and instead routing it to the nearby Charcoal Kiln. This approach guarantees a consistent charcoal supply for your activities.

Exploring in-game limitations

As a passionate fan of sustainable resources, I want to share Kaziglu_Bey’s insightful perspective. He emphasizes that achieving perfect firewood management might be a challenge right now. However, by striving for balance and preventing overproduction, we can minimize the amount of excess firewood entering the market. In turn, this action could encourage prioritizing charcoal production, which is an important step towards more efficient resource use.

Alternative Approaches

User 6collector9 proposes a less complex approach by suggesting the elimination of firewood stands at markets and disabling firewood storage in advanced settings for those seeking a simpler solution in Manor Lords. Contrastingly, user Rentahamster advocates for a more relaxed approach, implying that excessive control may not be necessary for achieving victory in Manor Lords.

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2024-07-23 06:13