Looking for Sea Glass in NMS Titan expedition? Hazard Pay is easier than you think

Recently, Expedition 17 Titan became available as a limited-time activity in No Man’s Sky. This means you now have the opportunity to discover all the additions from Worlds Part 2! With this update, you’ll be able to access previously unseen planets and resources such as Quartzite and Activated Quartzite. One of the most captivating sights is Sea Glass, a stunning green crystal. But remember, it can only be found in certain locations. Today, we’ll guide you on how to acquire it.

How to find Sea Glass in NMS Titan expedition?

Sea Glass is an intriguing artifact that makes its appearance in Worlds Part 2. Since it comes from deep ocean depths, your best bet to acquire it is by visiting water-rich planets. If you’re completing the Titan Hazard Pay milestone, this task should be a breeze. During your journey, you’ll pass through such locations; all you need to do is follow the expedition quests. It can be found at the 3rd rendezvous point.

After arriving at your destination, what’s the plan next? Initially, you need to dive very deep underwater using a submarine called Nautilon. Once there, search for Deep-Sea Samples. These are distinctive pink glowing crystals that jut out from the ocean floor. Since Sea Glass can’t be collected with the Nautilon’s laser, you’ll have to get out of the sub and personally pick up this mineral by hand.

As I gather five pieces of Sea Glass, I’ll reach the milestone for Hazard Pay, a significant step forward in our expedition! This achievement might just squash a pesky UI glitch that causes annoying flickers and unwanted sounds. So, my fellow adventurer, let’s persevere, as patience often brings rewards!

At the present moment, there’s just one query left unanswered. How might one utilize Sea Glass? As it happens, this particular gemstone is not used in crafting or refining processes. The only thing you can do with it is to sell it for a value of 266,000 units.

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2025-02-14 15:34