Mel Brooks, known for making the humorous “Star Wars” parody called “Spaceballs” back in 1987, hasn’t been involved with the franchise since then. Recently, during a meeting about a new “Spaceballs” movie, it was Josh Gad (the producer and star) who had to bring Mel Brooks up-to-date on what’s happened in “Star Wars” over the past 38 years.

Mel is extremely engaged,” Gad shared on the “Let’s Talk Off Camera” podcast. “I’ll tell you a humorous anecdote that I haven’t divulged before. When we were presenting our initial idea for the film to him, he said upfront, ‘I’m letting you know now that I don’t know much about the latest ‘Star Wars’ movies.’ I replied, ‘Alright.’

Gad shared that he spoke with Brooks for nearly forty minutes, and it appeared that Brooks was quite impressed by his deep understanding of the company.

As a passionate cinephile, I find myself immersed in a battlefield, standing alone, yet fully engaged. Every line, every beat, every comedic set piece, every revelation is like a stroke on my canvas. I’m pouring my heart into this performance and drawing parallels to specific ‘Star Wars’ moments it evokes.

Gad pondered over Brooks’ comment, “You seem to be right in tune with things,” which Gad described as the highest praise he could have received, despite its lack of relevance to Mel. Essentially, Brooks simply placed faith in every word that came from him.

Spaceballs, a comedic spin-off inspired by George Lucas’ original Star Wars trilogy, revolves around President Skroob (portrayed by Brooks), who orders Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis) to kidnap Princess Vespa (Daphne Zuniga). This abduction is part of a plan to barter her for the precious oxygen reserves found on the planet Druidia.

Gad is all geared up to act in and co-produce the upcoming “Spaceballs” sequel under Amazon MGM Studios. Josh Greenbaum will be directing from a script written by Gad, Benji Samit, and Dan Hernandez. Brooks will produce this project alongside Gad.

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2025-01-05 01:16