John Oliver Makes Surprise Appearance on ‘The Daily Show’ to ‘Gloat’ About Trump Ushering in America’s ‘Monarchy Era’: ‘Kings Get S–t Done’

In my latest review, I found myself reminiscing about the days of Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” and the insightful commentary he provided. Recently, a familiar face graced the show once more – John Oliver, former correspondent of Stewart’s. This time, he came not to discuss, but rather to gloat over something quite extraordinary: Donald Trump seemingly ushering in an era of American monarchy through his unprecedented use of executive power.

Following an unsuccessful search for individuals capable of challenging Trump’s relentless use of executive orders and government reductions, Stewart pondered, “It seems our era of prosperity may be drawing to a close, America. We appear to be drifting away from the constitutional democracy we’ve upheld for 250 years, veering towards the monarchy we once fought to free ourselves from. Yet, I believe the crucial aspect–

Stewart was met with slow, mocking applause reverberating from backstage. Moments later, Oliver emerged with an arrogant grin.

“The prodigal son appears to have returned,” Oliver said to resounding applause.

Stewart paused, squinting. “Could it be? Is that the young John Oliver I see? Have you come to share your knowledge and advice with us?

“Oh, no, no, Jon, I’m here to gloat,” Oliver said. “America had its little fun experimenting with democracy, didn’t you? You fought so hard to get away from [the British Empire], acting up, throwing all that tea into the harbor? You still owe us for that, by the way. Let me be the first to welcome America to its monarchy era. Congratulations!”

Later on, Stewart interrupted “Ambassador Oliver” to defend the U.S., stating that while we’re experiencing difficulties in democratic leadership, it’s unwarranted to completely discard our democratic system and transform into an empire instead.

Jon, instead of resisting your role as a monarch, try to embrace it! Kings take action swiftly, you know,” Oliver joked. “Maybe not actions you’d approve of, but they sure do move fast! They decide to add cumin to their lunch and by dinner time, they’ve conquered an entire continent. That’s how the British have always been, Jon. They don’t care about others. To put it in the words of Mr. Kendrick Lamar…

As a follower, I intervened and asked Oliver to hold off on his rap, offering instead a friendly challenge: “Hey man, no hard feelings, but I’m just not convinced that the imperial approach aligns with our path.

Have you observed any actions taken by America in the past 50 years? Given that it claims not to be an empire, its behavior seems strikingly similar to that of one,” Oliver remarked. “It’s involved in invasions, economic exploitations, and now proposes turning Gaza into a casino resort. Such a suggestion would likely have King George III questioning the complexity of the situation, as he lay dying from advanced brain disease in the 18th century.

Stewart then looked into the camera with a grimace and said, “We really have become our father.”

Watch the entire segment below.

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2025-02-11 08:17