As a long-time League of Legends player with countless hours invested in the game, I find myself intrigued by the ongoing debate around Zeri’s Eternal and its perceived value. Having spent RP on a few Eternals myself, I can’t help but wonder if they hold any real significance or are simply fancy trinkets to collect.

In the thriving and enthusiastic community of League of Legends, there’s no shortage of lively debates, one recent example being a thread on Reddit started by a player named Tacokappo. They posed a question about Zeri’s Eternal, expressing doubts about its usefulness due to recent modifications in her passive ability. This sparked the curiosity in Tacokappo as they noticed that the Eternal was tracking an effect from her passive that had since been adjusted. This initiated a broader discussion on whether Eternals are ever updated to match champion changes, and if they still have relevance or are just remnants of past playstyles. Various players contributed their opinions, which ranged from light-hearted jokes about the nature of Eternals to more serious deliberations on whether it’s wise to invest in them anymore. As with many League of Legends topics, opinions were diverse, painting Zeri’s Eternal as both a source of skepticism and intrigue.

Thinking about buying Zeri’s eternal… But is it useless now?
byu/Tacokappo inleagueoflegends


  • Many players believe Zeri’s Eternal is now obsolete due to changes in her passive ability.
  • There is skepticism about whether Riot Games updates Eternals after major champion alterations.
  • Some players still find value in collecting Eternals despite their issues.
  • An ongoing discussion exists regarding the relevance of similar Eternals across various champions.

The Nature of Eternals in League of Legends

Tacokappo’s post discusses a notable opinion among League of Legends players about the Eternals. Many players have joked that buying an Eternal is a waste, referring to them as “useless.” A commenter succinctly stated, “it’s always been useless and will continue to be useless.” This viewpoint was shared by others, suggesting a widespread doubt towards Eternals. It appears that the majority of players prefer saving their Riot Points for something more significant if an Eternal no longer tracks relevant or meaningful information. The question remains, are Eternals merely cosmetic items that should not be taken too seriously?

Riot’s Responsibility in Updates

One aspect that rose in discussion was whether or not Riot Games took responsibility for updating Eternals to suit champion reworks. A commenter named Wytherite noted, “The Shield Sniper eternal should be replaced with another one when you buy it since it is now moved to legacy.” This raises a point about player expectations. If Riot creates a system that tracks champion progression, do they not also share the responsibility for ensuring that those systems remain relevant? If Eternals become legacy items without players being notified, it feels like a wasted investment for those who enjoy tracking their success on champions like Zeri. It’s almost like buying a sports jersey, only to find out the player has been traded!

Community Reactions and Humor

In a typical league-style conversation, there was an abundance of humor and sharp remarks exchanged. Some players expressed their concerns about Eternals, while others injected a touch of levity into the discussion. A participant jokingly commented, “Ah, we’ve found the one who buys eternals.” This sort of humor showcases the community’s knack for poking fun at its own complexities and sometimes peculiar aspects. Rather than treating the conversation as overly serious, many players seemed to use it as an opportunity to connect through playful banter and clever jokes. The mood fluctuated, but the overall vibe remained lighthearted, demonstrating that despite uncertainties about champion mechanics, players continue to share a common aim: enjoying the game with friends.

Potential Value of Eternals

Although there’s been a lot of debate and uncertainty about the Eternals, there are valid points to consider regarding their potential worth. For instance, some players, such as those who commented on Tacokappo’s post, noted that since Zeri now has a new Eternal to replace her previous “ineffective” one, the situation might not be as grim as it appears. User AnybodyZ even suggested, “she has a new one to replace it,” providing an option for players who truly adore Zeri. For those who enjoy tracking their performance and considering what’s available post-champion changes, it could be worthwhile. Players who appreciate Zeri’s gameplay style and value the intricacies of her design may still discover that having the Eternal adds to their gaming experience, offering them a goal even when rewards seem elusive.

Essentially, the discussion about Zeri’s Eternal embodies an ongoing argument within the League of Legends community: how significant should cosmetic or tracking features like Eternals be in the broader context of the gameplay? Opinions on usefulness, amusement, and the duty of developers to keep such systems up-to-date and entertaining differ greatly. However, it’s undeniable that League of Legends will always have its unique aspects and enthusiastic players eager to discuss them. Whether you decide to acquire Zeri’s Eternal or opt out of the system, the main point is that League of Legends fans will persist in expressing their thoughts, worries, and humor as they strive to optimize their cherished gaming experience.

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2024-12-19 10:15