How to become a Massage Therapist in BitLife

Among the user-friendly jobs for beginners in BitLife is the profession of a Massage Therapist, which doesn’t necessitate extensive education and offers a good income for comfortable living. Thus, if you’re unsure about how to pursue a career as a Massage Therapist in BitLife, don’t fret! I have got you covered.

How to get a job as a Massage Therapist in BitLife

In contrast to what some BitLife gamers might believe, obtaining a college degree isn’t unnecessary if you wish to become a massage therapist at your neighborhood saloon. In reality, a minimum of an associate’s degree from a community college is required before you can even apply for such a position.

How to get a Community College Degree in BitLife

Once you reach the age of 5, your parents will sign you up for a welcoming educational institution. Strive to complete primary, middle, and high school without any setbacks. By this, I mean avoid getting involved in harmful activities such as drug use, playing violent games like GTA, or participating in petty crimes that could potentially lead to your expulsion from school. If you adhere to these guidelines, you will graduate high school at the age of 18.

Following high school completion, the following move is attending college. To put it straightforwardly, you can choose any course and earn a degree tailored for your profession. Nevertheless, since our goal is to specialize in massage therapy, attending a community college suffices. Navigate to the Occupation button at the bottom-left corner, then click on Education. From there, opt for a Community College to enroll in. Much like your school days, steer clear of negativity and concentrate solely on acquiring your degree within approximately 3 years.

How to attend an interview for the Massage Therapist Post in BitLife

Upon completion of your studies at the Community College, the next step is to start your professional career. Browse through job listings and locate one that catches your eye: “Massage Therapist (Salon)“. If you find such a position, click on it and respond to a basic question about life to apply. If not, consider closing the BitLife application to explore fresh job vacancies or simply progress to the next stage of life. Once employed, your annual income could range from approximately $20,000 to $30,000, contingent on your level of experience.

If you’re as hooked on BitLife as I am, don’t miss out on my guide on How I Became a Flight Attendant in My BitLife Adventure. And for all the bookworms out there, be sure to check out my tutorial on Becoming a Professor in BitLife: A GamerTop Guide!

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2025-02-01 01:51