Etheria Restart Tier List & Reroll Guide

In simple terms, Etheria Restart is a well-liked role-playing game (RPG) that operates on a turn-based system and takes place in a dystopian universe. The game requires you to assemble your squad of Animuses and battle various abnormalities within the world. With approximately 40 unique characters to summon and pick from, it can be perplexing to form a team with just four members. To make this task easier for you, we’ve put together an extensive tier list for Etheria Restart, covering everything you need to know.

All Characters Ranked – Etheria Restart Tier List

SDokiDoki, Massiah, Shadow Sania, Heinrich, Lily, Kloss, Beyontin, Xiada
AVeronika, Khloros, Helkid, Tiamat, Lingluo, Hoyan, Lilith, Rahu, Celince, Lian, Valerian, Gray
BDorothy, Cachin the Guard, Diting, Turandot, Kazuyo, Dinah, Fangus, Oboro, Kraken, Chiaki the Echo, Viper
CVictor, Dorothy the Wisher, Rin, Chiaki, RC-77, Yang, Obol, Kazuyo the Reverie, Sania, Tsutomu
DAegis Andrew, Striker Andrew, Researcher No. 41, Vice, Asshu, Cachi, Sybil

The given tier list offers a comprehensive perspective on all Animus presently accessible in Etheria Restart. Characters rated S-tier hold the highest Supreme rank, often featuring SSR rarity, while those categorized as D-tier are R-rarity Animuses, proving ineffective in any scenario.

If you don’t have any top-tier Supreme SSR or standard characters, you have three options:

1. Build your own SSR characters.
2. Opt for high-ranked SR Animus characters, but keep in mind that rerolling your account completely may give you a better starting point.
3. Spending resources on lower-tier SR or R Animus characters is not advisable, as it’s more beneficial to avoid them.

S Tier Characters – Best Characters in Etheria Restart

DokiDokiSSR+ One of the strongest Support Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Belongs to the Constant-type, so she is immune to most type disadvantages.
+ Insane buffing capabilities can make allies immune to all debuffs.
MassiahSSR+ One of the strongest AoE DPS Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Belongs to the Constant-type, so he is immune to most type disadvantages.
+ High AoE potential and DPS. Also becomes Invincible after using Ult.
Shadow SaniaSSR+ One of the strongest Debuff Support Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Belongs to the Disorder-type, so she is immune to most type disadvantages.
+ One of the best debuffers, with a strong AoE and DoT skillset.
HeinrichSSR+ One of the strongest burst DPS Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Belongs to the Disorder-type, so he is immune to most type disadvantages.
+ Deals insane DPS and also inflicts Anti-Heal. Best as late-game PvP DPS.
LilySSR+ One of the strongest overall Support Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Belongs to the Disorder-type, so she is immune to most type disadvantages.
+ Has a good mix of DPS, AoE, and Support skills. Very strong in PvE.
KlossSSR+ One of the strongest Debuffer Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Hollow-type debuffer, best played against Odd-type compositions.
+ Has good AoE potential, and can reduce enemy DEF as well as irremovable debuffs.
BeyontinSSR+ One of the strongest all-around support Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Best Reason-type support, extremely valuable to any team composition.
+ Can double team’s DPS, and continuously revive dead allies every turn. Overpowered.
XiadaSSR+ One of the strongest AoE damage dealers Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Odd-type Damage-dealer, best used against Reason-type compositions.
+ Can continuously her increase own DPS, and deal massive burst AoE damage.

A Tier Characters

VeronikaSSR+ A decently strong Reason-type damage dealer.
+ Can steal buffs from enemies, and deal good AoE damage.
+ Best used in PvP, not so much in PvE. Reliant on enemy buffs.
KhlorosSSR+ One of the best single-target burst DPS in Etheria Restart.
+ Can inflict strong ‘Chainlock’ debuff, and deal huge burst damage.
+ Best in PvP and Boss-battle modes. No AoE potential though.
HelkidSSR+ Good Support and AoE damage dealer.
+ Can shield allies with a decent amount of shield, and make them immune to debuffs.
+ Can inflict Stun with basic attack, and also reduce enemy ATK. Good in any mode.
TiamatSSR+ A reliable Odd-type tank Animus, good for most teams.
+ Can cast taunt, deal good DPS when HP is low, and self-heal herself very quickly.
+ Also has an Ultimate Form with insane AoE potential. Too much self-harm is the only downside.
LingluoSSR+ One of the best Odd-type healer Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Can continuously provide tons of healing with AoE healing.
+ Can also extend buffs on allies by an additional turn, and provide double healing.
HoyanSSR+ Similar to Khloros, insanely strong single-target burst DPS.
+ Can inflict ‘Anti-Heal’ debuff with basic attacks, so great at PVP.
+ Has no AoE potential, but has almost guaranteed KO with Ultimate.
LilithSSR+ One of the best AoE CC Animus in Etheria Restart.
+ Can also act as a decent tank, with good debuff capabilities.
+ Performs decently in PvP, not much in boss and PvE modes.
RahuSSR+ Decent consistent DPS, with strong AoE potential.
+ Can debuff enemies as well as buff himself, and double attacks.
+ Has the ability to reduce enemy DEF with basic attacks, while increasing own DEF.
CelinceSSR+ Strong Hollow-type debuffer and support.
+ Lacks AoE potential, but is good for single-target in PvP.
+ Can decrease enemy ATK and CRIT rate by almost half.
LianSSR+ One of the best Reason-type AoE DPS.
+ Easy to acquire, and promote. Huge AoE potential on every skill.
+ Can also inflict debuffs, as well as increase ATK consistently.
ValerianSR+ One of the best SR-rarity support heroes.
+ Is a Constant-type hero, so has a type advantage against most compositions.
+ Can make target allies Invincible as well as equalize HP across allies.
GraySR+ Decently strong SR Hollow-type DPS.
+ Can buff allies with increased CRIT Rate without consuming turn.
+ High AoE potential on ultimate skill, and good damage on basic skill.

B Tier Characters

DorothySR+ Best SR-rarity support with strong AoE healing.
+ Has type-advantage because of Constant-type, and buffs allies with Regen.
Lacks almost any attack power, and is easy to target.
Cachin the GuardSR+ One of the best SR-rarity tanks. Good for PvP as well as PvE.
+ Belongs to Disorder-type, so has type advantage in any fight.
Lacks overall versatility and synergy with other allies.
DitingSR+ Strong single-target burst DPS. Good for PvP.
+ Buffs own CRIT rate, best at taking out squishy enemies.
Easy to target and lacks AoE potential.
TurandotSR+ Decently strong Reason-type buffer.
+ Can dispel enemy buffs, and increase own ATK and DEF.
Lacks in DPS, and overall quite squishy.
KazuyoSR+ Good Reason-type support hero.
+ Can provide CD reduction and SPD increase buffs to allies.
Lacks DPS and cannot provide consistent support.
DinahSR+ Reason-type damage dealer with good debuffing capabilities.
+ Good at taking out single-target enemies. Ideal for PvP.
Lacks any sort of AoE. Not good for PvE modes.
FangusSR+ Good Reason-type ranged damage dealer.
+ Ideal for PvE modes because of high AoE potential as well as DoT effects.
Very easy to target, and low HP and DEF stats.
OboroSR+ Odd-type single target burst damage dealer.
+ Can debuff enemies with Slow and DEF reduction.
Viable in PvP modes, but not for PvE.
KrakenSR+ Decent Odd-type tank character with AoE potential.
+ Quite good at crowd control with single target as well as AoE cc.
Lacks DPS and damage-dealing capabilities.
Chiaki the EchoSR+ Hollow-type support Animus with a decent skillset.
+ Can buff allies with increased attack and remove debuffs consistently.
Lacks DPS or defensive capabilities. Extremely vulnerable.
ViperSR+ Odd-type core damage dealer with decent DPS.
+ Can inflict both AoE as well as single-target damage.
Essentially a glass cannon, lacking any sort of defensive ability.

C Tier Characters

VictorSR+ Disorder-type Anmius with a balanced skillset.
Subpar at dealing damage as well as tanking.
Can self-heal, but DPS only increases if his HP decreases.
Dorothy the WisherSR+ Reason-type supporter that buffs allies.
Lacks in providing good support. Very inconsistent.
DPS is subpar, and the skill set is not good.
RinSR+ Decent Reason-type Animus with tanking abilities.
Can taunt enemies with AoE CC, but lacks HP.
Can self-heal to a certain extent, but lacks viability in PvP.
ChiakiSR+ She’s a decent Reason-type support healer.
Skillset is completely focused on healing. No DPS or defense.
Dependant on allies for being protected. Not good for PvP.
RC-77SR+ Subpar SR-rarity Odd-type debuffer Animus.
Can inflict CC and Stun, but not guaranteed.
Lacks at DPS, and not good for either PvP or PvE.
YangSR+ Odd-type Anmius with a mixed skillset.
Can act as support as well as DPS. Not good at either.
Lacks usability in any game mode.
ObolSR+ Decent Odd-type DPS Animus. Ideal for Boss battles.
Skill set is focused on dealing Damage over time, not good for PvP.
Lacks defense, and has a low chance of causing CC.
Kazuyo the ReverieSR+ Subpar Hollow-type Animus, with debuffing abilities.
Can only inflict ‘Sleep’ but that get cancelled upon taking damage.
DPS is low, and has almost no defensive ability.
SaniaSR+ Decent Hollow-type support Animus, that can revive teammates.
Skills have a huge CD, so not consistent.
Lacks defense, so very easy to target.
TsutomuSR+ Decent single-target burst damage Animus. Good for PvP.
Cannot deal any sort of AoE damage. Bad for PvE.
Low HP or DEF, so needs lots of shielding.

D Tier Characters

Aegis AndrewRLow rarity Odd-type tank Animus. No use in most modes.
Lacks to provide any value. Sell for resources.
Striker AndrewRLow rarity Reason-type DPS Animus. No use in most modes.
Lacks to provide any value. Sell for resources.
Researcher No. 41RLow rarity Constant-type Support Animus. No use in most modes.
Only use in very early game. Then sell for resources.
ViceRLow rarity Odd-type DPS Animus. No use in most modes.
Decent damage, but only for early game. Sell in mid game.
AsshuRLow rarity Hallow-type DPS Animus. Lacks damage.
Cannot provide any value. Sell for resources.
CachiRLow rarity Reason-type Animus. Skill set is all over the place.
Lacks to provide any value. Sell for resources.
SybilRLow rarity Odd-type DPS Animus. Subpar skill set.
Only use for first chapter. Then replace and sell.

How to reroll in Etheria Restart?

1. If you find yourself unsatisfied with the Animus summoned within Etheria Restart, consider the opportunity for a new beginning by opting to restart your account.

2. This fresh start provides an improved chance at acquiring the Animus you desire. Follow these steps to initiate the reroll:

3. (Steps to reroll are omitted as they were not provided in the original statement.)

  1. Open the in-game menu by pressing ‘Menu’ on the top-right.
  2. Scroll down and select the ‘Settings‘ option from the menu.
  3. Select the ‘Other’ option from the dashboard on the left.
  4. Select the last option ‘Account Deletion’ from the list.
  5. Read the Terms and Conditions, and agree to them. Then press Next Step.
  6. Read ‘Cancellation Agreement’ and agree. Press Confirm.

Once you’ve finished the previous instructions, feel free to begin the game anew. Upon starting, you have the option to log in with a distinct account or play as a Guest for a fresh experience within Etheria.

Etheria Restart Summon Drop Rates

As an ardent enthusiast of Etheria Restart, I’d like to share some insights about the odds of summoning various entities within the game. Here’s a comprehensive look at what you might summon:

1. Common Summons: These are the most frequently encountered beings in Etheria Restart. They are abundant and easy to acquire, making them ideal for beginners.

2. Rare Summons: These entities are less common than their common counterparts. They possess unique abilities that can give you an edge in battles. Keep your eyes peeled for these valuable additions to your team!

3. Epic Summons: These summons are exceptionally rare and boast extraordinary powers. They’re not easy to come by, but the reward is definitely worth the effort!

4. Legendary Summons: The rarest of all, legendary summons are almost mythical in nature. Their power is unparalleled, making them a coveted addition to any collection.

By understanding these summon probabilities, you’ll be better equipped to strategize and enhance your gameplay experience in Etheria Restart. Happy summoning!

  • Supreme Animus Drop Rate (SSR): 0.25%
  • Original Animus Drop Rate (SSR): 0.75%
  • Supreme Animus Drop Rate (SR): 2.25%
  • Original Animus Drop Rate (SR): 6.75%
  • Animus Drop Rate (R): 90.00%

As a passionate player, I can’t help but express my excitement about the pity system! Every ten summons guarantees an SR (Super Rare) or higher Animus. On special, limited-time banners, this turns into a guaranteed featured Animus for every one hundred summons. It’s a fantastic way to ensure a great return on your summoning efforts!

To learn more about character rankings, explore The Dragon Odyssey Sprites Tier List & Reroll Guide and the Wacky Squad Tier List from GamerTop, where all characters are ranked!

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2025-01-13 04:21