Destiny 2: Why Is The Veil Not a Bigger Deal Among Guardians?

In Destiny 2, the world is filled with hidden mysteries, potent relics, and a dash of advanced futuristic magic. Lately, gamers have been pondering over one of the most captivating aspects introduced within the game’s storyline – The Veil. As new characters like The Witness emerge and light versus darkness dynamics evolve, players are increasingly intrigued as to why this powerful entity doesn’t appear to carry the same weight in importance as the Traveler or even the Pyramid vessels. A Reddit user, known as “Grogonfire,” sparked this debate with a post delving into this exact issue. This brings about discussions on how The Veil has somehow slipped into the sidelines, becoming less prominent despite being part of an otherwise vibrant tapestry of Destiny’s lore.

Shouldn’t the Veil be a bigger deal? Do players still not even know what it is?
byu/Grogonfire inDestinyTheGame

### Summary

  • Players feel that the Veil’s potential significance is overshadowed by the Traveler and the Pyramid ships.
  • There is a consensus that the Veil hasn’t been given the same marketing or narrative attention, making it feel more like an afterthought.
  • Many lore enthusiasts have pointed out that the storytelling approach has left them confused about the Veil’s role in the Destiny saga.
  • The frustrations voiced by players suggest that the lore could have been presented better to elevate the importance of the Veil.

### Significance versus Popularity
A user named “Plain-White-Bread” aptly highlighted a common sentiment when they mentioned that although the Veil holds the same importance as the Traveler, it hasn’t received the same iconic treatment. The Traveler is essentially the life source of the Guardians and offers Light, yet the Veil remains in obscurity, like an overlooked family member at gatherings. There were legitimate concerns about how the Veil was initially presented in a storyline that many players found underwhelming. The lack of striking visuals or presence in promotional content further supports the impression that the Veil was carelessly added to the game without proper setup or recognition.

As Destiny game enthusiasts, we find satisfaction in exploring deep narratives, forming meaningful relationships, and uncovering captivating histories. Our experiences are centered around discovering the roots of these artifacts and their links to our Guardians. Regrettably, the enigmatic history of the Veil has been obscured under a mountain of content that leaves players puzzled, questioning its true significance. There’s an underlying belief that the Veil should play a crucial role in the Destiny storyline, given the rich lore associated with the Traveler and the Darkness.

User “wangchangbackup” added an interesting perspective: “At this stage, we’re just as unclear about the Veil as we are about the Traveler.” This vast haze of ambiguity underscores not only a widespread confusion regarding the Veil, but also hints at a broader problem with the game’s narrative presentation. Many players perceive the storytelling method as disjointed from the in-game material. As significant details are often hidden in books or dialogue that can be easily missed, it prompts questions about whether parts of Destiny 2’s storyline remain untouched by some players.

In essence, if players aren’t actively involved or well-informed about the game content, it may seem like the story lacks significance. The times of basic cutscenes are past us now, as lore has grown into an intricate tapestry of storytelling that can sometimes leave players feeling excluded. It isn’t merely a matter of placing information in lore books; instead, crucial narratives must be skillfully woven into the gameplay or cutscenes to make them engaging and easy to understand. After all, Bungie possesses the ability to enhance the lore, so why isn’t it more deeply intertwined with our gaming experience?

One significant observation was made by “Coppin-it-washin-it,” stating that the storyline has been fragmented due to frequent changes in the development team. This resonated strongly with gamers yearning for a consistent narrative flow within the extensive game plot. There seems to be a feeling that Bungie introduced the Veil too late, hastily creating excitement around it without adequately connecting it to earlier narratives. As a result, a wave of anticipation collided with disappointment as players struggled to comprehend and engage with this sudden introduction of the Veil, which some found disappointingly vague and uninteresting.

It appears that feedback from players suggests that the Veil in Destiny 2 could have been used to deliver a more immersive and engaging narrative. They feel that although the game’s storytelling has potential, it can be hindered by the mechanical aspects of video game design and perhaps an oversight in earlier narrative arcs. With many players deeply invested in the game’s lore, they express dissatisfaction when the conclusion doesn’t live up to the build-up, leaving them with a fragmented storyline that feels less satisfying.

### Player Discontent and Desires Regarding Storytelling in Video Games

From annoyance over dealing with awkward story development to wishing for a deeper engagement with crucial plot points, gamers have expressed various views about The Veil. One user, “bjtg,” humorously proposed that they prefer to imagine the opening and closing cutscenes for Lightfall are the only significant parts of the narrative. This sentiment echoes what many players feel—at times, it seems simpler to bypass the complicated mess of the lengthy storyline altogether.

Maintaining a positive narrative experience is equally important, and Destiny 2 feeds off the thrill of uncovering intriguing lore and significant interactions. The enigma surrounding the Veil should spark curiosity instead of bewilderment or indifference. Active players express a deep yearning for deeper insight and involvement, and the present situation leaves them feeling as if they’ve only caught a glimpse of a much larger tale.

With each new expansion, players eagerly anticipate discovering intricacies that add richness and complexity to the Veil. They hope it won’t just be a trivial item, but a game-altering element in Destiny’s lasting storyline. So, the pressing issue is: how does Bungie navigate this narrative challenge?

Discussions about the Veil underscore its significance, but also reveal the Desiny 2 community’s desire for consistent storytelling. As fans delve further into the game’s history, they aspire that Bungie will take advantage of this chance to infuse depth and importance into what seems lacking so far. The Veil’s role in Destiny’s overarching tale might still contain hidden potential, and if players have a say, they’ll keep seeking answers – ideally within an engaging narrative of rich connections rather than solely relying on lore books.

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2025-01-16 02:44