Destiny 2: The Redemption Arc of Eramis – Can She Be Trusted?

As a dedicated player of Destiny 2, I’ve been gripped by the game’s rich tapestry of lore and memorable characters, one such individual being Eramis, the Kell of Darkness. A recent Reddit post ignited a passionate discussion about the possibility of her redemption given her troubled past, particularly her significant part in Rasputin’s downfall. User FarslayerSanVir set the stage for this topic, suggesting that maybe, just maybe, Eramis deserves an opportunity for forgiveness and trust. This post sparked a whirlwind of reactions, with some backing her quest for redemption while others remained firm in their belief that her past deeds render her unworthy of another chance. Let’s delve into this intriguing discourse to discover the thoughts of the Destiny 2 community on whether Eramis can be relied upon or not.

About Eramis……
byu/FarslayerSanVir indestiny2


  • FarslayerSanVir argues for Eramis’s redemption, emphasizing her traumatic backstory and potential for change.
  • Many commenters express skepticism about her intentions, citing her dark past and inability verbally to seek peace.
  • A few voices in the thread suggest that her redemption could symbolize broader themes of forgiveness and progress for the Eliksni race.
  • The discussions reflect broader sentiments within the community regarding redemption arcs for complex characters in the game.

The Case for Redemption

The main idea in FarslayerSanVir’s argument revolves around the perception that Eramis might be open to change, as suggested by her conduct during the “Plunder” expansion. They argue that there seems to be more depth to her character than just darkness, citing instances where she shows remorse, like when she rescued Eido and even Misraaks in specific missions. This situation appears to echo a Rocky-style underdog narrative—a character with potential but burdened by their past transgressions. The original poster laments that the community isn’t recognizing the intricacy of her circumstances, expressing frustration over the belief that redemption or an alliance for Eramis would be inconceivable given her past misdeeds. This brings forth the classic question: can a single act of kindness negate the impact of someone’s negative actions?

Skepticism on Trust

In summary, numerous comments exhibit deep-seated mistrust towards Eramis, with critics questioning her trustworthiness. User Cookieopressor encapsulated this widespread sentiment: “As for Eramis, she doesn’t seem to desire peace with us.” This skepticism is prevalent throughout the discussion, causing concern about her constant threats and abrasive dialogues within the game. Some players argue that while characters like Misraaks and Savathun have plausible paths to redemption, Eramis appears less suitable for a collaborative alliance. The contention revolves around whether her occasional glimmers of regret outweigh her history of deceit. It seems that the line of distrust isn’t easily bridged; trust, once damaged, often remains a challenging predicament in the Destiny community.

The Greater Implications for Eliksni

As the conversation progressed, certain comments hinted that Eramis’s potential redemption goes beyond her personal story; it touches upon the state of the entire Eliksni race. User maggeninc presented a compelling view by saying that “[the Eliksni] are victims in many ways,” implying that maybe Eramis is a product of her circumstances. This shifts the conversation from a straightforward ‘good versus evil’ narrative to one about compassion and understanding. The grim truth about the Fallen was exposed: a society deeply rooted in violence and despair. Maggeninc’s point encourages players to at least reconsider their opinions on Eramis, suggesting that saving one could mean salvation for many. After all, Destiny’s lore is filled with complex dilemmas about survival and identity, and it can be tricky to decide how far you’d go to save a community.

Frustration with Narrative Complexity

In the heat of lively debates within the Destiny gaming community, some players express exhaustion towards the recurring theme of character redemption narratives. Gumbercules81 candidly admits, “To be honest, I’m tired of the forgiveness/redemption route.” For these gamers, the predictable redemption stories start to feel trite and could potentially lessen the dramatic tension in character development. They argue that allowing villains to continuously escape the consequences of their actions weakens the essence of character growth. Another participant, DominusTitus, voiced a more straightforward stance: “I’m not captivated by her potential as a character or the writer’s intentions.” This call for strict accountability reflects the viewpoint of a segment within this gaming community who believe that certain characters should bear the consequences of their malevolent actions, disregarding any possibility of redemption. The struggle between forgiving past transgressions and the repercussions of present actions serves as an intense focus in this dynamic Destiny gaming community.

The discussion about Eramis’ intricate backstory in Destiny 2 raises broader questions of trustworthiness and responsibility within the game’s universe. Can we ever fully trust someone who has inflicted so much suffering? Or is there a possibility for empathy that could lead to forgiveness? As with many aspects of Destiny 2’s intricate lore, clear-cut solutions are hard to come by. The ongoing debates among players demonstrate their deep investment in the characters and their stories, offering a platform for various viewpoints to challenge and enhance gameplay experiences. In a storyline as layered as Destiny 2, these discussions prompt players not only to scrutinize characters’ intentions but also to reflect on their personal values concerning loyalty and betrayal. The enigma surrounding Eramis’ trustworthiness adds to the intrigue that keeps players brainstorming, debating, and becoming more engrossed in this captivating universe.

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2025-01-08 01:28