Destiny 2: Players Slam New Tonic Feature as ‘Atrocious’

Players of Destiny 2 have been vocalizing their discontent about a fresh game feature, the tonics, on their preferred online platforms. A comment by user kristijan1001 ignited a flurry of strong reactions from long-time players who feel that these tonics might be the most exhausting and dull new addition to the game so far. With hundreds, if not thousands, of tonics cluttering their inventories and requiring daily routines, fans have voiced their dissatisfaction, leading to a growing consensus that these features are excessively complex and time-consuming. Criticisms encompass everything from perceived artificial progression to the irritation of maneuvering within the in-game interface merely to create potions that many players believe no one wants or needs. Essentially, they miss the simplicity of earlier times while grappling with an unwanted layer of complexity.


  • Players view the new tonic feature as an overwhelming and tedious addition to Destiny 2, detracting from the overall enjoyment of the game.
  • The sheer number of tonics has created a sense of artificial progression that many feel is unnecessary.
  • Comments reveal a frustration with game mechanics, suggesting that users preferred previous, simpler features.
  • The general consensus indicates a desire for positive changes as players think back to more enjoyable times in the game’s evolution.

The Overwhelming Amount of Tonics

Players find the main source of their annoyance in Destiny 2 lies within the overwhelming number of tonics introduced in the game. With the count exceeding 999, players are left bewildered, questioning why this decision was made by Bungie. User NightmareDJK’s comment sums up the issue perfectly, as they pointed out, “There are 76 of them! 76! And most are just created to give a false sense of progression and are rarely ever used.” This underscores the feelings of many players who believe that these tonics have been forced into the game to create an illusion of depth rather than improving the gameplay experience. Instead, they seem to add clutter to an already congested inventory system, turning the gameplay into a tedious routine of scrolling through an unnecessary digital catalog.

UI Nightmares and Repetitive Mechanics

The user’s interaction with the tonics doesn’t just end at their availability; it’s also impacted by the game’s user interface. User ‘useroutofpractice_’ raised a valid concern about the repetitiveness of crafting tonics, finding the forced slowdown and button prompts tiresome. Many players seem to agree with this sentiment, questioning, “Is it still acceptable after the first time every time I need to craft?” This recurring frustration disrupts the smooth gameplay flow. The process of navigating through four different prompts, each with its own animation, feels less like a task and more like a continuous penalty. In an age where fast-paced interaction is key, having to repeatedly pause and navigate through menus doesn’t align with the Destiny experience players yearn for. It seems as though Bungie inadvertently designed a mini-game of crafting potions, forgetting that most players log in to fight alien hordes and discover epic loot, not to constantly dive into menus.

A Desire for Nostalgia

The intense negative reaction towards the new tonic feature appears to spark a sense of longing for past times among Destiny 2 players. Many are now looking back fondly at simpler mechanics within the game’s environment, expressing a wish to revisit those periods. In essence, Mononon captured this feeling perfectly when they stated, “The gameplay is still fantastic, but everything else has become a tiresome struggle.” The difference between the old gameplay styles and mechanics compared to today’s complexity has created a void in player satisfaction. It seems as though Bungie presented an exciting new toy, but one that comes with an instruction manual the size of a book, leaving players feeling exhausted after just a few minutes of play. They yearn for the simplicity that once provided enjoyment without the constant need to engage with yet another complex system. It’s intriguing how frequently gaming nostalgia can transport us back to bygone days, serving as a reminder of just how powerfully nostalgia can grip our hearts – even while we’re blasting through alien fleets.

The Call for Changes

It appears that the tone function in the game has received significant criticism from players, and it’s quite evident they’re eager for some changes. They’ve moved beyond mere complaints; many are actively pushing for modifications. Whether by simplifying the process of creating tonics, reducing the number of available tonics, or even reimagining the function altogether, the players are expressing their opinions clearly. As pointed out by user Drakoolya, it seems that a substantial amount of effort has been put into an idea that didn’t resonate—”They somehow managed to make the game even more tedious…and no one said, ‘This looks impressive but good heavens, it’s frustrating to do.'” Such candid feedback serves as the foundation for any game’s progression, as players crave a game that feels engaging rather than an additional burden on their list of tasks. Frankly, who wouldn’t prefer spending evenings engaged in thrilling battles instead of navigating a complex menu system?

The response from Destiny 2 fans towards the new tonic feature indicates a dedicated player community that is deeply invested in the game’s progression. While Bungie intended to incorporate a sophisticated feature to boost creativity and strategy, it appears that they have instead introduced an excess of complexity. As players reflect on the more straightforward mechanics from past versions and voice their preference for user-friendly designs, it’s clear that they seek a game that offers enjoyment rather than frustration. The unified voices within the community urge Bungie to pay close attention, as many are eager to contribute their experiences and ideas for future improvements. Destiny 2 enthusiasts are yearning for updates focusing on enhancing gameplay experience over cumbersome mechanics—since ultimately, isn’t that the reason we play in the first place?

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2025-01-13 12:58