Agent00 uses ‘we listen and don’t judge’ trend to admit he snitched on gun thief

During a popular TikTok challenge, Agent00, one of the founders of AMP, stunned other streamers by admitting that he had ratted out someone whom he believed had stolen his vehicle.

Streamer Agent00 is continuously streaming for 24 hours straight each day, with the goal of shedding 20 pounds. In the initial week of his broadcast, he confessed to reporting a man whom he suspected had taken his vehicle.

Agent00 (also known as Din Muktar) stumbled upon a trend on TikTok called ‘We Listen Without Judging’, during which he humorously revealed an unexpected fact.

The ‘we listen without judging’ movement on social media encourages users to openly share things they’ve kept hidden before. This trend took off in November and has remained popular, often leaving participants amused by the responses their friends give upon hearing their secret confessions – just like what occurred when Muktar discovered the contents of his secret cache.

The streamer mentioned that he had parked his car inside his building, but no one contacted him about it. He admitted he accidentally parked it in the wrong area. He believed his lease specified that particular spot as his own, however, it turned out to be a different one. It’s all rather confusing for him.

As an enthusiast, I’m currently engaging in a “We Hear Without Judging” approach, and let me share a personal tale that might resonate with you. Not so long ago, I made a blunder by parking my vehicle in a forbidden spot. In my haste to get inside, I didn’t pay attention to the signs. Later, when I returned to find my car missing, I jumped to conclusions and assumed the worst – that it had been stolen! 😨 However, upon further investigation, I discovered that it was merely towed away. What a relief! This experience taught me the importance of patience, understanding, and double-checking before jumping to conclusions.

— Agent00Updates⚡ (@Agent00Report) January 7, 2025

Agent00 claims tow-truck driver stole a gun from his car

The individual who towed my vehicle, I initially suspected had stolen my car. Consequently, I spent a considerable amount of time tracking him down for about six hours. Eventually, I discovered his residence… I informed on him, buddy.

Adding, “Then, I found out he stole a gun from my car.”

As a devoted viewer, I must admit that streamers YourRage and Sketch were on board with the ‘we listen without judgment’ movement, yet it appeared they stumbled in the ‘no judgment’ department when they erupted in laughter at Agent00’s assertion.

It was equally surprising for them to discover that Muktar had a firearm in his car. He explained that he always carries guns in every one of his vehicles.

Even though Agent00’s car wasn’t stolen during that specific event, there was another car incident in his past, which occurred a few months prior to his unlimited weight-loss live stream. In August 2024, while he was streaming, a car crashed into his, causing severe damage to the door of his vehicle.

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2025-01-08 16:12