Renowned Indian filmmaker Hansal Mehta (“Scam 1992,” “Shahid”) is venturing into the realm of film production, establishing True Story Films alongside producer Sahil Saigal in a collaborative agreement. Notably, influential figures Vinod Bhanushali and Parag Sanghvi have also invested in this venture as part of their strategic partnership.
The freshly created banner, symbolizing a substantial growth in Mehta’s creative domain, is debuting with a bold schedule estimated at around 5 billion Indian Rupees ($58 million). This company plans to create and distribute theatrical movies and streaming content spanning various genres, including intense dramas as well as comedies.
As a passionate movie enthusiast, I’m thrilled to announce that I, Nikhil Mehta, am stepping into a new role as the creative head in our upcoming venture. Previously, my directorial work on “Faraaz” and “The Buckingham Murders” has been recognized, with my friend and colleague Saigal handling the production duties for both projects. Now, he will be overseeing the business operations of this new endeavor. This marks my first formal foray into production, a natural progression for me as I’ve established myself as one of India’s most critically acclaimed directors in recent years.
For me, True Story Films goes beyond being a production company; it’s the fulfillment of a dream to craft captivating individual tales and collaborate with an array of talented storytellers. My motivation lies in narratives that question societal norms, spark discussions, defy traditional filmmaking methods, and resonate profoundly,” Mehta expressed.
Vinod Bhanushali, the leading figure at Bhanushali Studios Ltd., views this partnership as a logical progression. In his own words, “As a producer, my heart lies in crafting captivating narratives that strike a chord with viewers. Collaborating with a creative mastermind like Hansal Mehta is a natural next step for me.
As a cinephile, I’m thrilled to share that in 2025, our production house will kick off our debut collection of films. We’re aiming for the first premieres in early 2026! These projects will grace both traditional cinema screens and streaming platforms. Our focus is on unearthing new, promising talent alongside seasoned stars, ensuring a vibrant mix of fresh voices and established brilliance.
Sanghvi observed that the digital realm is tough and demanding when it comes to producing and distributing high-impact content, but Hansal’s accomplishments thus far are nothing short of impressive, considering both their scope and quality.
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2025-01-21 08:46