Smite, a widely-played third-person Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) created by Hi-Rez Studios, is now in its open beta stage, aiming to rejuvenate the game and draw gamers from various platforms. With anticipation mounting, community member Awake_The_Sheep has proposed the challenging goal of having 20,000 players playing simultaneously. This ambitious target reflects the positive sentiment around recent updates, yet players are keenly aware that there are areas for improvement in game features and content. Lively conversations within the community reflect both optimistic enthusiasm and constructive criticism, providing a glimpse into the thoughts of players who will be instrumental to the game’s future success.


  • Players are optimistic about hitting 20,000 players, especially with the growth already seen since the open beta launch.
  • Many users highlighted the game’s improvement since its original launch but voiced concerns regarding the current lack of gods and features.
  • The sentiment around marketing and visibility is mixed, with some feeling that a lack of promotional efforts might hinder player count.
  • New players express excitement over the free-to-play model, which could potentially draw in a larger audience.

Optimism for Player Count Growth

There’s a lot of excitement in the community about the prospect of attracting 20,000 players across all platforms. User dalon2883 commented, “The game is already growing before it becomes free-to-play…now it’s at 4k players,” highlighting a significant increase in player numbers following the open beta update. This optimism is spreading quickly, and many believe that a steady growth trajectory could take us all the way to, and possibly beyond, our goal. The general feeling is that if Hi-Rez keeps adding new characters and refining gameplay elements, they stand a good chance of attracting more players. In fact, someone jokingly remarked, “Definitely should; this version of the game is better than Smite 1,” demonstrating just how positive people feel about the improved experience.

Room for Improvement

Regardless of their optimistic attitudes, players have constructive suggestions for improving the game. A common request is for a wider array of playable deities. User Ok_Enthusiasm_3503 expressed this by saying, “Getting Assault is great, but it needs its own map…perhaps 30-40 more gods to reach the level it should be.” This idea was reinforced by liberletric, who mentioned that the limited god pool can feel limiting, especially in competitive modes like Ranked Conquest. With many players finding themselves playing the same characters over and over, there’s a clear need for more variety in playstyles and strategies. As mentioned earlier, while the game has improved since its launch, it still lacks certain features that could enhance player enjoyment.

Marketing and Visibility Concerns

The debate about marketing and visibility persists within the community forums, with various participants expressing worries that inadequate promotion might inhibit the expansion of the player base. A perceptive participant named xCussion stated, “Let’s face it…Mainly because Hi-Rez is not smart enough to market this properly.” There’s a noticeable undercurrent of annoyance running through these comments; it feels like players are convinced that an assertive marketing approach could greatly enhance their involvement. Without effective advertising, some players worry that the excitement surrounding the open beta may not reach prospective newcomers, which could harm the ambitious player count targets. To counteract this, players are actively posting content, discussions, and insights on social media in an effort to attract their friends and other gamers to join.

Your Entry Point into Smite

Amidst experienced gamers and those who’ve been disheartened by issues in earlier game launches, there are newcomers joining the conversation, eager about the prospect of entering a free-to-play setting. User Rune_nic announced, “Newbie here, absolutely thrilled for the free-to-play release!” Their energy is invigorating and suggests an upcoming influx of novice players who might inject vitality into the game. This optimism from newbies presents a promising scenario because they aren’t burdened by past disappointments and can appreciate the novel features without being hindered by prior versions. The combination of veterans and rookies could foster a diverse gaming environment, leading to a more enriched community experience as players exchange insights from their unique experiences.

The chatter about Smite’s open beta is brimming with excitement, practical feedback, and a strong determination for the game to prosper. Whether players dream of reaching the impressive 20,000 milestone or offer suggestions on gameplay elements and character additions, it’s clear that the community is eager to contribute to the game’s development. Despite challenges such as marketing issues and content gaps, the overall mood suggests a promising future marked by growth, adaptability, and most crucially, a community working together to make Smite the best possible version of itself. Continued dialogue and shared goals could pave the way for an incredibly successful beta—we’ll have to wait and see if it reaches that milestone and sustains it, potentially catapulting Smite into uncharted territories of player interaction.

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2025-01-14 22:28