Pokemon Go Steeled Resolve event: Dates, debuts & rewards

The Steeled Resolve event for Pokemon Go has arrived, adding an extra layer of excitement to your January! Your Poke Ball collection might not be as secure as you thought.

This event offers Shiny hunts, wild Pokemon appearances, the debut of new species, and a multitude of research missions to keep every trainer engaged. From capturing the charming (and eagerly anticipated) Rookidee to facing off against raid bosses such as Dialga and Mega Gallade, there’s no room for idleness.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Steeled Resolve event in Pokemon Go.

When is the Steeled Resolve event?

The Steeled Resolve event in Pokemon Go will take place from Tuesday, January 21, at 10:00 a.m., to Sunday, January 26, 2025, at 8:00 p.m., according to the local timezone.

Pokemon debuts

The Galar region introduces a new family of Pokemon to Pokemon Go during this event:

  • Rookidee
  • Corvisquire (evolve with 25 Rookidee Candy)
  • Corviknight (evolve with 100 Rookidee Candy)

To unlock the Charged Attack “Iron Head”, transform your Corvisquire into Corviknight during the special event.

Wild encounters and Shiny Pokemon

During Steeled Resolve, you’ll encounter an increased number of these Pokemon species in the wild: Clefairy, Machop, Totodile, Marill, Hoppip, Paldean Wooper, Shieldon, Bunnelby, Carbink, and Mareanie.

Furthermore, you’re likely to spot Rookidee creatures more frequently in their natural habitat as well as when employing Magnetic Lure Modules. Be on the lookout for shiny variations during these interactions!

Event bonuses

Trainers can enjoy several exclusive bonuses throughout the event:

  • Use a Charged TM to remove the move Frustration from Shadow Pokemon.
  • Magnetic Lure Modules attract Steel-themed Pokemon, including Onix, Beldum, Shieldon, and Rookidee.

Raid battles

Test your skills in raids featuring event-themed Pokemon:

One-Star Raids

  • Lickitung
  • Skorupi
  • Pancham
  • Amaura

Five-Star Raids

  • Deoxys (Attack and Defense Formes) until January 24
  • Dialga beginning January 24

Mega Raids

  • Mega Gallade until January 24
  • Mega Medicham beginning January 24

Special Research and Timed Research

Dual Destiny Special Research

Available for free during the event, this research offers the following rewards:

  • Two Fast TMs and two Charged TMs
  • A Lucky Egg and other surprises

Event-exclusive Timed Research

For $5.00 USD (or local equivalent), unlock additional rewards, including:

  • 2× Hatch Stardust
  • Encounters with Pokemon like Galarian Weezing, Azumarill, and more
  • 5,000 XP, 20,000 Stardust, and an Elite Charged TM

Please ensure that you finish all Time-bound Research tasks on or before Sunday, the 26th of January, 2025, which is 11:59 p.m. as per your local time.

Featured attacks during Steeled Resolve

Evolve select Pokemon to learn exclusive moves during the event:

  • Machamp: Karate Chop
  • Feraligatr: Hydro Cannon
  • Quagsire: Aqua Tail
  • Lickilicky: Body Slam
  • Clodsire: Megahorn

Go Battle Week bonuses

Running alongside the event, Go Battle Week: Dual Destiny offers exciting rewards for battlers:

  • 4× Stardust from win rewards (excluding end-of-set rewards).
  • Up to 20 sets of battles daily (100 battles total).
  • Free battle-themed Timed Research with avatar rewards.

Active leagues during this week include the Great League, Ultra League, and Master League.

Here’s all there is to know about Steeled Resolve in Pokémon GO. In case you’re interested in this month’s shop offerings or the present Raid Bosses, we have you taken care of!

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2025-01-10 16:23