The enchanting world of Enshrouded has captivated numerous gamers, yet, similar to other intriguing fantasy realms, it’s not without its irritations. A player ignited a spirited conversation concerning the lock-picking aspect in the game, reflecting a common sentiment within the community. Essentially, players find that the anticipation of picking a lock doesn’t correspond with the rewards earned, causing many to perceive the function as more of a burden than an exciting challenge. With numerous comments and stories exchanged, it offers a fascinating glimpse into how game mechanics can significantly influence player involvement.

Lock picking feels like a waste currently.
byu/Zir_Ipol inEnshrouded


  • Lock picking is seen as a lackluster experience, mostly due to subpar rewards.
  • Players call for more meaningful loot and incentive for using the lock picking feature.
  • Several members discuss the broader loot system, hinting that enhancements are needed across the board.
  • The interactions with locked chests and quest mechanics introduce further confusion and frustration.

The Lock Picking Dilemma

User Zir_Ipol’s initial post highlighted a recurring issue among players: “The chests aren’t filled with anything particularly valuable.” This sentiment was shared by many in the comments section, indicating a growing dissatisfaction with the game’s lock-picking experience. Players felt that without unique or special rewards, the mechanic seemed redundant. Given the game’s emphasis on exploration and discovery, the absence of exciting loot to complement the excitement of opening a treasure chest left players wanting more. A user voiced their disappointment that defeating higher-level enemies often resulted in dull loot similar to that obtained from lower-level enemies, making the process feel tedious and unfulfilling. In essence, one player succinctly captured the collective frustration: “Rare or better materials should be found in chests.” If the allure of a lock-picking adventure leads to common treasures, what’s the incentive?

Simplifying the Lock Mechanic

As a gamer, I often find myself grappling with the complexity of lock-picking mechanics in games and how they affect the quest system. For instance, a fellow player, wolves_hunt_in_packs, shared an experience that left me puzzled – locked chests connected to quests, causing issues with triggering those quests correctly. It seems we need to handle these chests in a very precise manner for our quests to progress smoothly, which adds unnecessary stress rather than fun to the gameplay.

It’s disheartening when an action intended to aid us becomes a hindrance instead. Take, for example, spending time and energy on lock-picking, only to find out that you accidentally triggered a bug that halted your quest! This directly impacts the overall gaming experience – if unlocking isn’t enjoyable or rewarding, it leaves players questioning its purpose.

To put it simply, it appears that locks are interfering with the ‘chest opened’ triggers, revealing an unwanted gameplay quirk.

What’s Next for Loot in Enshrouded?

ArkansasGamerSpaz proposed an idea to enhance the game’s loot system: adding a lock-picking skill for more intricate and satisfying experiences. This change could lead to better integration of player actions with meaningful rewards, making the gameplay richer. For instance, exclusive crafting recipes hidden within locks or upgrades after picking them might encourage players to utilize this skill more often. After all, the allure of discovering valuable items lies in the excitement it brings, and let’s admit it, there’s not much thrill in unlocking a door without any adventure! Players are vocal about their desire for unique loot that fosters exploration, and they aren’t shy to express this need.

The Cost of Convenience

User SlimAndy95 pointed out an intriguing observation about the affordability of lock picks: “In essence, they’re very inexpensive.” This idea echoed by others suggests a broader pattern – although the initial cost to learn lock picking might be minimal, the benefits often don’t justify the effort for most players. Essentially, it seems that players are weighing the benefits against game mechanics that, at first glance, promise a richer gaming experience. The widespread availability of lock picks has turned them into more of a chore than a valuable asset for many. One user jokingly commented, “It’s like being asked ‘are you prepared to allocate an inventory slot for the chance of opening additional chests?'” It appears that players are often faced with a choice between the illusion of depth and the actual mechanics of the game, which leaves them feeling disappointed after a lock-picking experience.

It’s apparent that the community discussions about lock-picking in Enshrouded reveal a variety of opinions and ideas for enhancement. Many gamers are excited about the prospect of this feature becoming more engaging, offering an extra level of enjoyment during gameplay. The main issues seem to be the lackluster rewards and complex mechanics associated with quests, which has sparked a desire among players for the developers to address these concerns. As each update is released, there’s optimism that Enshrouded will refine these aspects, leading to a more gratifying gaming experience where the excitement of unlocking a lock is accompanied by valuable rewards that make it worthwhile. To put it simply, who doesn’t appreciate a nice reward after an exciting adventure?

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2025-01-06 20:28