The main issue at hand revolves around the Rune Giant. AngryPigs009 strongly emphasized its excessive win rates and frequency of use, which was widely agreed upon by many commenters. Players are finding themselves frequently on the losing end due to the Rune Giant’s synergy with cards like Evo Goblin Giant, leading some to question whether their matches have devolved into a game of luck based on who draws the better cards. Spursman1 suggested that not only should the Rune Giant be reevaluated, but other frequently used cards such as Rage, Guards, and Arrows should also be considered for adjustments. This implies that players feel that a small number of cards are overwhelming their games, making what could be strategic battles into a gamble based on card draws. The presented data strongly suggests a perceived imbalance, leaving one to ponder if the Rune Giant is truly exceptional, or if it’s the players who need to adapt. Indeed, a puzzle wrapped in a mystery for sure!