The touching and amusing tale revolves around Bernt, an 11-year-old orphan who aspires to achieve what his deceased father did as a renowned Scout. Upon moving in with his unconventional new foster mother, Gerdie, Bernt becomes part of a peculiar local Scout group. Determined to win the prestigious Golden Scout Trophy, which bears his father’s name, he sets his goals high.
In this heartwarming and funny adventure, 11-year-old orphan Bernt yearns to follow in his late father’s footsteps as a celebrated Scout. After moving in with his unusual new foster mother, Gerdie, he joins a peculiar local Scout troop and aims to claim the coveted Golden Scout Trophy, engraved with his father’s name.
Bernt, an 11-year-old orphan, dreams of emulating his deceased father as a celebrated Scout. After moving in with his eccentric foster mother, Gerdie, he joins a quirky local Scout group and sets his sights on winning the prized Golden Scout Trophy, which bears his father’s name.