It’s simple to bandy about statistics, but when discussing gaming, figures can carry significant importance or excessive, unimportant details. For instance, learning that a cheater is blocked every 37 seconds paints a clear picture; it’s similar to watching a constant waterfall of poor players being kicked out of the competition by Vanguard’s stern bouncer. However, in an original Reddit post, a user noted that while 3.6 million accounts were banned over four years, the active cheating rate in weekly matches varies from only 0.5% to 1.5%. This means it’s reassuring to know that Riot is swift in taking action, but some community members question if these numbers equate to a noticeable improvement in gameplay. Just as LostInElysiium pointed out, “No matter how extraordinary or improbable the kill was, my immediate thought is ‘I was outsmarted.'” This suggests that gamers have faith in the fairness of the game such that not every questionable play triggers suspicion.