League of Legends Players Question Penalties for Reconnecting After AFK Mishaps
Hawky23’s post highlighted a common problem among gamers: is it worth reconnecting if the outcome remains unfavorable, as penalties still apply? Upon unexpectedly restarting his computer, Hawky anticipated avoiding a penalty and returned to the game only to find himself victorious but penalized with a -20 LP deduction and placed in a low priority queue. Essentially, he was penalized for winning, which seems illogical compared to a group of five selecting Riven as their ADC. One user insightfully commented, “The penalty should be removed when you win,” implying that at least a +0 change should be the minimum reward for players who reconnect. If players are still penalized even when they emerge victorious, why continue playing? This situation raises questions about Riot’s understanding of motivation and its role in keeping players engaged.