Suicide Squad Final Episode: Low Expectations and High Hopes
The message from Queasy_Commercial152 resonates with many enthusiasts who are grappling with the intricacies of excitement and dissatisfaction. One comment encapsulates this sentiment: “I have no high hopes, just expecting this episode to be poor.” This straightforward opinion reflects a widespread fatigue among participants. It’s as if they’ve been let down so many times that they’ve become jaded, ready to approach everything with skepticism. Contrarily, lukefsje has expressed optimism for additional behind-the-scenes content, such as an extensive audio log dump that could be both nostalgic and informative. “I hope there’s a massive audio log dump of all the unused material they planned to release in later episodes.” This wish shows a deeper admiration for the characters and storyline initially presented to players, demonstrating the community’s craving for more substantial storytelling.