Gaming News: What’s the Word for Effects That Aren’t Buffs or Debuffs?
As a gamer, I’ve been pondering over a suitable term to categorize effects such as ‘Frozen’ or ‘Stunned’. It’s not just about semantics; it’s about grasping the nuances of gameplay mechanics. In a recent discussion, Yubion proposed that ‘Frozen’ is a distinctive type of status effect – it may seem neutral because a character can’t be harmed while frozen, but they also can’t act. Others like SirLich have suggested more straightforward terms such as ‘Effect’ or ‘Status’, highlighting the need for an encompassing category without adding moral connotations to these states. This indicates that gamers often crave simplicity in terminology, aiming for labels that truly reflect the gameplay experience. In essence, are we not trying to avoid overly elaborate labels when a single one might cover multiple effects?