Top Primalist Builds in Last Epoch: From Squirrels to Frost Quakes
If you’re just starting out in Last Epoch and enjoy a blend of attack strategies and unique gameplay elements, the Primalist class might be the perfect fit for you. This class caters to a broad range of gamers, offering them the ability to transform into different forms, summon creatures, and control elemental forces. The combat remains engaging and dynamic with this class. A Reddit user, rds90vert, suggested that the Storm Totem Shaman is an excellent starting point for the Primalist, describing it as “easy to level” and capable of performing well in monoliths. Although its defenses might be weaker at first, with appropriate investment, it can become a powerful build. The versatility of the Primalist makes it an alluring choice because there’s plenty of room for growth and customization as players explore the game’s challenging endgame content.