The conversations around champions who can change their forms, such as Jayce, brought about laughter and nostalgia among players, who enjoy the amusing aspects of Team Fight Tactics. As Zuxicovp put it simply, “I’m here for this top-notch content.” This sentiment encapsulates the post, where players were attracted not just to the game itself but also to the hilarity that comes with the shape-shifting mechanics. The unique ability of each champion to switch forms leads to absurd yet entertaining scenarios, both in combat and strategic discussions. Players often joke about Jayce’s seemingly puzzling transformation from a hammer-wielding tank to a ranged cannon blaster. What’s even more surprising is how these champions challenge expectations, like Ziggs being referred to as a “dominator” despite his diminutive stature. SyntheticMemez couldn’t help but comment on this absurdity, asking, “My favorite part is when Ziggs dominates, it’s like what the heck is that 12-inch tall head dominating??