Alison Brie’s Codependency with Dave Franco Was an Asset on Together
Hey there! As a fellow movie enthusiast, I’ve got to say congratulations on your latest creation. I was just hanging out in the background during one of Dave’s Zoom calls, munching on yogurt, when they began discussing their shared passion for horror and genre films. Shanks praised Dave for his directorial debut, ‘The Rental’, and mentioned having a new script up his sleeve. He floated the idea of sending it to Dave, which he did after reading it. As soon as Dave read it, he was hooked! He then shared a short film called ‘Rebooted’ with me, written and directed by Shanks. With its captivating storyline, Dave suggested we star in this project together, produce it, and bring it to life. And guess what? I couldn’t agree more! Let’s make this happen!